Friday, September 2, 2005

hey..!! how can u all doubt me. i v sad lor. haiz. sec2 say le doesn't mean owaes say mah. it is juz misunderstandings. Quote from xian:we haf been frenz for 3+++yrs le n may b frenz for LIFE. understand...ming bai ming bai. all is over. feng ping lang jing[wind flat, waves quiet]
As the saying goes,"All's well that ends well." :) Frenz 4eva...

2dae prelim compo can die le la. nxt time muz bring watch if not i duno the time. rush lyk sai. then miss a lot of points cuz i thot no time then end up slack there for more than 5min lor!! then i hand in the paper le realise i stil got 5 min. i surely not dumb de. waste 10min!! 10min lor!! i can write a lot of points in 10min. waste my time. stupid. hmph...Bleah =P lyk tt prelims surely L1R5 can get less than 11. k lor. wadeva.

Monday, August 22, 2005

angela is SUPER irritatin 2dae. say her pretty then she say i sarca. she good lor. ;p hana..v pretty la. pretty jiu zhuai lor. u good...
lolx dun b pissed hor. i v nice de. ;>

Wednesday, August 3, 2005

xx picked up a kitten near her hse then she put it at my hse temporarily. act she wana take back de but she got another big cat at hm so we decide to release it. my mum din reli lyk fluffy(kitten) then she ask me hurry up ask xx to take it back.[she din noe we gonna release it] then ydae me n xx go release it lor.
we only gone for a while then xx went hm. i went back to c fluffy then there as BLOOD on her mouth!! OMG!!
told my mum she said,"U all v chek ark[v bad in hokkien], take her in then abandon her. :( she insisted i bring it back up[so touched]-->[tears in eyes] she actually approvedof fluffy...
[now fluffy at my hse. not as active as b4 le. sad. tink it suffering from intewrnal injuries. GOD BLESS.]

Tuesday, August 2, 2005

Wee...the blog finally show le!! now my blog so nice. Hehex. act i wan INUYASHA de template but saw the fruits basket de 1st. so i pick tiz 1. oso sui sui la hor? berri nice le la. lame...chen en juz type. 2.4 run coming soon. Sian-ed. Boring...

weather: -bad- Rainy. -_-

Friday, July 29, 2005

wiLL tHiS eVeR sHoW???
.:: tHis DaMn iRrTatiNg. I triED to PosT a NiCe nIcE mEsSaGe oN mY bLoG BuT tHe daMn tHinG Got eRaSed!! ?? IrrTatiNg...o.O> ::.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

LiFe IS daMn HArD. ExAmz SuX. WaNa go tjc. DoUbt i cAn maKe it. Pui...Bleah..=.=

THen noW goT a heLL LoT oF pRoBlems. WHo to aSk?? NOBODY!! Sad...=(

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

  • HeLLo!! EvRyBoDy