Friday, November 28, 2008

(to beloved natpork)

the darling put on makeup.
but somehow we all seem to agree she looked better with zero makeup. too good complexion le!!!

haven't seen the girls for ages(esp xue).
i thought a single dose of kbox for me was more than enough but that night proved me wrong. haha.
thanks girls for the messed up room. LOL~


once again,

yours lovingly,

Saturday, November 22, 2008

what i usually do at work...


however on...thursday...
i landed my hands upon a typewriter!!

(talk about going retro!!!)

Lol. i'm way ahead of trend, man~!!
my first time using something so ancient, so antique.

quote from my colleague, "so dinosaur~"

sidetrack: i've received over 20 emails from people who are going to UWA, to the same hall as i am!! yeah~i was worrying i may not have friends. T_T
everybody is super enthu. somebody may be organising a bbq for all!! *whoopie~*

Saturday, November 15, 2008

tagged by sn. super funny when i read what sn wrote. haha~

1) Name somebody whose name started with E, L or Z:

2) Your relationship with him/her is:
Friend n sch mate ba.

3) Your five impressions of him/her:
-super noisy
-very stick to sn
-very obsessed with "ping guo".
-loves himself extensively
-is a faithful follower of God

4) The most memorable thing that he/she had done for you:
huh...erm...he "par kart" with shiqi and loosen the top of the chilli flakes causing my initially horrifying baked rice to become eventually inedible. (i bear grudges. haa.)

5) The most memorable thing that he/she had said to you:
he talks a lot. which are are you referring to? (not that i ever listens attentively, doubt anybody does. >.<)

6) If he/she becomes your lover, you will:

7) If he/she becomes your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be:

8) If he/she becomes your enemy, you will:
i'll wait for that day to come then answer this qn.

9) If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be:
excessively obsessed by his own beauty. he strongly believes he'll become super shuai when he's in the army.

10) The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is:
(taken from sn's blog) WTH! nothing leh.

11) Your overall impression of him/her is:
(again..adapted from sn's blog. taken and changed slightly) a wolf beneath a kind soul's cover

12) How you think people around you will feel about you?
i'm very talkative with a lousy sense of humour, only mx appreciates. i'm her entertainer. *beams with pride*

13) The characteristics you love of yourself are:
the list for characteristics i hate of myself will be shorter. X))

14) On the contrary, the characteristics you hate of yourself are:
is being FAT a characteristic? eh..if not, then i hate myself for crying so much when i faced with a problem. (like the j1 times)

15) The most ideal person you want to be is:
myself. but at times i really want to switch souls with others and look at myself from other people's point of view. (looking into the mirror is no fun. BOO~)

16) For people who care for and like you, say something to them:

17) Pass this quiz to 10 persons:
1. shuning (i'm sure she wont mind doing it agn. LOL)
2. jiaxian
3. ahtan
4. meixin
5. shiqi
6. xueli
7. abi (if she ever sees this)
8. larre (whom i've mentioned as above)
9. karen
10. chenen

18) Who is no.6 having relationship with?
a guy in NTU. dont know him personally. check out her blog lor.

19) Is no. 9 a male or female?
karen is 100% female though during the jc yrs i thought she was more lesbo than i am. (but i'm 100% straight also la. i prefer man. haha)

20) If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
are u kidding me?? abi is definitely no lesbo and chenen is straight lor.

21) What is no.2 studying about?
jiaxian is studying business.

22) When is the last time you had a chat with no.3?
ahtan? does msn count? LOL~ (ahtan!! great joke abt pulau ntu. rofl..hahaha)

24) What kind of music band does no.8 like?
i dont know yeh...

25) Does no.1 have any siblings?
2 sisters. her house de yin qi very strong. LOL~

26) Will you woo no.3?
=.= karen is my only "lesbo" partner. haha.

27) How about no.7?
i thought i made myself clear in qn.26.
sorry's not that i dont love you. but we wont work out if we're going in that course. O.o

28) Is no.4 single?
YUPYUP!!! LelongLelong!! (she's so gonna kill me. haha)

29) What is the surname of no.5?
LIM (shiqi)

30) What's the hobby for no.4?
waiting for me to entertain her & dancing~

31) Does no.5 and 9 get along well?
erm...shiqi and karen are just hi-bye friends.

32) Where is no.2 studying at?
jiaxian is also in pulau ntu!!! hahaha...

33)Say something casual about no.1:
sa jiao~ *winkswinks*

34) Have you tried developing feelings for no.8?
??!! lmao

35) Where does no.9 live at?
karen stays at tanah merah kechil.

36) What colour does no.3 like?
ahtan used to like pink. then she started developing feelings for red(look at her wallets).
aiya...indecive woman. X)

37) Are no.5 and 1 best friends?
sn n sq? can say that la. they were in the same class for 2years.

38) Does no. 1 have any pets?
sn? nope. erm..i just thought of angelfish. but they're her mum's.
but they all kee qiang already. (correct me if i'm wrong XD)

39) Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?
abi? she's sexy in her own unique ways. =))

40) What is no. 10 doing now?
i think she sleep le ba. >.<


it's always a torture to do these quiz(s) but whenever i c it on ppl's blog and their answers. super funny can??!! haah.
blogging due to "popular demand".


(replies to tags)
to mx: eh...haben get pay. haha. but even if get oso dun wan leh...(gives the face).LOL~
to sn: my life lai lai hui hui the same. nthg to blog.


i'm working and giving tuition at the same time!!!
GOGO MONEH~!! (my fav line)


p.s (who want to share LIME fleamarket stall with me?)
p.s.s ($20 per stall...more people share, less money. =D)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

how was work today?

don't even ask...


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

i'm back into the working society(temporarily).
a 1 month assignment with a French company, operating near the airport.


$5.50 per hour.


(why i accept the offer?)
definitely not because my agent was named Stanley(nice but not cute). LOL.
rather, it was because there's FREE transport back and forth. plus, it's only a ONE MONTH bond. so it's not going to affect any part of my "belated-sec-sch-overseas-outing" plan.
so at least now i'll have money to spend when i go genting and i don't have to go scurrying for my own piggy bank. HURRAHS~!! (well...i guess not. still sulking over the $5.50)


i suppose when i signed the agreement, my agent must have been smirking behind my back and thought to himself, "Sucker~!"

Monday, November 3, 2008


Best Friends Forever...