Sunday, April 26, 2009

posting up the pictures of my model for my dad...

my church in scale 1:500. (8cm x 2.5cm)

church models in scale 1:500 and 1:200 respectively.

put my handphone there for comparison. (1:500)

from left: 1:500, 1:200


1:200 parish office

1:500 parish office (i totally can cover it with my thumb.)

roof plan of parish office

1:500 parish office, 2cm in height.

3cm x 3cm


it took me nights to complete these. i still have the surrounding houses that i have yet to complete but those are the easy ones. no details needed. =))

12 more conceptual design models to come up with. wish me luck. XD

Thursday, April 23, 2009

1. cake today was good. well..the brownie was nice.

2. cake tutor was still cranky.

3. half the class came in late.

4. cake tutor swore. O.o

5. woe to the guy who came in 2hours late. he was the last to come in. tutor erupted.

6. my conceptual models were not up to his standards. =.=

7. i'm thirsty for praises.

8. i have a voracious appetite for praises.

9. i need more inspiration.

10. i never knew i could possibly survive with so little sleep.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

dedicating this entry to a friend...
(here my church model, complete with roof. meticulously constructed, down to every single detail.)

i name my structure...
Joyeux Noël

don't worry, my friend. God will bless him and you. have faith in Him, him and yourself. =)))

Monday, April 20, 2009

it was a battle between me and the zZz monster last night. tough fight but zZz totally owned me.

3rd assignment for studio is out. this was the church site that we went to visit on last last thursday.

in chronological order...

we were suppose to build a scaled-down version of the church itself using strawboard(aka cardboard). spent the entire night yesterday trying to tackle the model and mould it into perfection.

my masterpiece... (missing the roof, too tired to add it on last night) X)

in chronological order...(again)

1 down, 4 more to go!!!


p.s(cake was a major success!! phew~)
p.p.s(my HD flew away but DI came knocking on my door instead. dwang! i was so close. >.<)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

roomie and i made oreo cheesecake today!!!
every thursday is cake-day for studio. last week was my turn but the class went out on a site visit and my cake-day was postponed to the coming monday.

decorated the cake with leftover marshmallows from jonathan's birthday. XD

smooth concoction~


more lemons from the lemon tree!!! thanks to daniel for climbing up the tree and nicTIAN for eye-powering. =))

the cake base...(having a blocked nose currently. according to ethel, it smells heavenly.)
i'm so going to get a HD for my next assignment.


p.s(my studio tutor is infatuated with cakes.)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

my room is in a mess and nowhere near spacious...still the birthday bash for 21st and 22nd birthday boys, namely jonathan and eugene, was held in my room.

ginny putting up the balloons.

nicTIAN(uncle) skipping and prancing(and maybe to the extent of flying) around my room, putting up the streamers.

the "decorated" room. LOL. we did that in less than an hour. we made lemonade as well. freshly plucked from the lemon tree in our hall...(yes...we have our own lemon tree *smirks*)



tadah~!!! the video i took in the midst of the whole chaos. ginny and uncleTAN were buzy fanning the smoke alarm/detector (afraid that we might trigger it due to the smoke from the candles). daniel and i had to put the cake near the window with the fan facing outside so the smoke won't stay in the room...

aiya...just watch la. i thought it was rather hilarious.(esp the whole fanning thing)

Monday, April 13, 2009

"We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort."
-Jesse Owens

Saturday, April 11, 2009

you're loved...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

i went to the gym yesterday with roomie.
i could almost feel the instantaneous effect of the face swelling going down. LOL.


visited the site this morning.
the camera died on me. (well-done...*makes a face*)
weather is very hot today despite now being autumn.
good thing i had my suncreen on. *smirks*


going to the gym again today...
i must fully utilised all the school facilities!!! school fees are way too expensive to let it go to waste like that. (*makes a face again*)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

i was browsing through the photos in my computer when i found these!!!

kangkong!!! damn long never eat kangkong. T_T

pandan chicken!!! as if currie hall will ever serve these. =(

fried vermicelli(glass noodle)!!! ARGHH!!!! the insanity...

bbq seafood platter. bbq in aussie is boring...they only have sausages and chicken. no wings! no stingray! no prawns! no sotong! no satay! no otah! (the list just goes on...)

green curry chicken. *pouts*
the curry here is really bad... *pui*


to ma da jia si jia: i don't care la...when i go back, the 1st meeting place is 85 ok??! i'm going to stuff myself with bbq stingray, satay, otah, oyster ommelette, meepok dry with a lot of chilli, bak chor mee, char kway teow, chai tao kueh and...(the list goes on...)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

all of a sudden, life became very hectic, nonetheless, still fun.
i had projects and assignments to rush, community work to do and sites to view.


i'm just entertaining jx with the pictures she requested.

UWA is like a mini birdpark on its own. i saw this at the back carpark of currie hall.
i was reminded of the pink dolphin seen in Louisiana lake.

the sunrise that i saw on the day i never slept.

(more pictures from hyde park~)
this time...i dragged nini along. *smirks*

couple found fondling under tree... XD

nini...looking ever so sleepy. wakeywakey~