Monday, April 14, 2008

just want to voice out what my colleagues had to say about me.
i tink it was slightly more then a week ago, i had 1 FEMALE colleague(i cannot emphasize this enuf. LOL.) telling me i had small boobs.
*huiyuan has question marks all over her head*
(thinks loudly to herself)
"oi!! C very small ar??"
"k lor, mayb bcos i'm a weightly being."
"one thing for sure. i'm a load of mass."
"so lidat means very small ar??"


*huiyuan has nothing to say*


mayb cos i swim so it turns out that my ultra broad ribcage and girth has made my tits look uber tiny.
then again i'm not an avid swimmer. walao-eh how to jian fei lidat?!! then all my new bras will go to waste.


*huiyuan laughs uber hard*

Thursday, April 10, 2008

i read the NUS book. the part about "essential information" and the "admission criteria". by the way, entering Architecture would require good grades for math, chem and physics. what ARE good grades??? (define)
(don't try luring me into blogging about my grades cos i'm not going to)
nothing to be v shameful about but also nothing to b v proud of. walao. in my opinion, my grades are lousy. a.k.a === not good. so does that mean i don't stand a chance??
anyway my course would be 1 of the cheapest courses, amounting up to a conservative amount of S$29k for a year. =)))
uh-hrm...meaning that my course(6yrs) would b freaking expensive. ok, mayb not so cheap. arts&socialsci is cheap. lol. (你以为在菜市场买菜啊?? 随随便便.)
then agn even if buying 菜 at the market would require meticulous care and decision.
the aptitude test and interview for Archi is on 10may.


for people who have applied for courses that require tests or interviews(eg. architecture, dentistry, medicine...blablabla). log on to the following website for the interview/test dates.


adapted from NUSundergraduate studies book: "shortlisted candidates will be notified via email to attend the tests and/or interviews conducted at the university."

another adaptation: "your application(to uni) will be processed and you will be informed officially of your application outcome in writing, by post, in May/June 2008"


i'm freaking out already. *pulls hair from head*

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

if you haven't notice, this is MY name---graffiti-style.
super cool right?? haha. nanny-nanny-poo-poo. (you don't have)
i do graffiti also but i don't really specialise in it. wee~
i did this off a webby. it's super easy. =)))
(tadah!!! the webby!) *megawide smile*