Monday, June 16, 2008

in another 14days, my career at nw will come to a halt.
in another 10working days, i won't get to see some very lovely ppl tt i've met over the period tt i've spent at nw.
no doubt i'll miss a lot of ppl and i would like to thank them SO MUCH(sincerely from the heart) for guiding me and making me L-O-L so very often.


♥ REGINA for trying very hard to make me stay. (this sup reli trying her luck sia. kept asking in a very sweet manner if i could stay. =.= dun wan liao la!! i've been so lugi for the past 6mths. worked as a temp FULL-TIMER with ZERO benefits.) but reli stil love her alot for being so kind.
she gets the KINDEST SUPERVISOR award. =DDD

♥ IRENE THAN a.k.a my shifu(mentor). thank you so much for teaching me ever so patiently though i will tend to nod at things that i dont understand and appear very intellectual. (haha) thanks for buying chocs and sharing them with me. thanks for attempting to share half a chicken wing with me when u eat nasi lemak(she owaes try to push the drumlet to me cos she say she dont eat so much. >.<)

♥ MARIA GARNELL, DOLLY & SANDY (midnite gang) who entertain me when i work at 5am in the morning(i tend to reach at 430am cos of the kuku taxi uncle. owaes ask me wait downstairs so early). they are such sweet ppl. bcos midnite ppl dun tend to chiong sales so much so they dun contract the deadly 心病 and thus i like to talk to them alot. they perk me up in the morn akin to the hot yuanyang from toastbox.

♥ MY 2 GOD-MAMAS & LILIAN (packers) they owaes say i'm like a half daughter to them. owaes like to squeeze the fats in my arm(i forgive them for that. they mean no harm. haha) i will miss talking to them when i leave. =((

♥ MY FELLOW CASHIERS COLLEAGUE some of them whom i'm reli close to. one of them said she'll blanjar me popeye when i'm abt to leave. yay~

♥ THE SALES PPL THAT I OFTEN MIXED ARD WITH (not all who do sales are bad) =)))

♥ THE RUNNERS & PACKERS that have ever worked with me. some of them reli super funny sia. (yo sister!~ that's wad some of them usually call me. 慧苑 very difficult to pronounce meh??)


MANY THANKS TO THE LOVELY PEOPLE OF NW. nvr have i ever felt so attached to the ppl at work. (only work at ntuc & nw only) i'll miss ya ppl~
i'll come back soon to c u guys. =))) not as a cashier but as a passenger. =DDD

Sunday, June 1, 2008

it's already demoralizing to know that the local uni doesn't want me. now that i want to apply for aust uni, i know nuts abt their entry requirements. the point sustem in which they use to calculate the Alev subjects is so very foreign to me. ("Advanced Subsidary" means H1??? can somebody enlighten me?)


my mum announces to the whole world that i'm going overseas and that the local uni have rejected me.(thank you very much but i don't need more salt in my wound.)
she know nuts about the application and she kept pushing me, asking me to hurry. application for the 2nd intake has closed already. so what the heck are you pushing me for!!!?? i don't wish to apply abruptly for any architectural course i see. it's not as easy as it seems. it's not as vivid as the application in local unis. they offer courses like "bachelor of engineering(architectural)", "bachelor of architecture(arts)", the normal bachelor of architecture that i'm familiar with and a hell load of other architectural courses.
so what am i suppose to pick?? i don't want to waste money applying for a foreign architectural course and end up wasting money and time and eventually my future.


i tried engaging help from people i know who have relatives or friends who studied there and also asked my tutors from mjc regarding the entry requirements. all these take time and she just don't understand. she thinks i'm wasting time. she anxious. i'm pressurized. she asked my dad to "帮我". he knows nuts as well. so how can he possibly "帮我" in the application. other than supporting me financially there's nothing else my dad or my mum can possibly "帮我".


i'm not asking too much. all i ask for is that they let me do the application in peace. that would be of major help. you have no idea the turmoil i'm undergoing. the pain of rejection. the pain of my parents not being able to understand. the sense of lost that i'm feeling right now.