She makes awesome yongtaufoo. =D
Hakka yongtaufoo = mix of pork and fish for filling
made yongtaufoo a week ago but haven't found the time to post up my pictures!
extremely proud of myself for this is my very first attempt.
here i share with you my mama's recipe. =)
soup base:
- dried anchovies (i used the ikan bilis stock cube for convenience sake. XD 1 and a half cubes of that)
- 1 cup soyabeans
- a couple of shallots (minced)
- 2 slices of ginger
- 2 tbsp of oil
- a pot of water? (hmm...i would say about 5 medium size bowls)
1. heat up oil in pot and put in ginger and shallots. fry till golden and fragrant.
2. pour in soyabeans and anchovies and give it a quick fry.
3. pour in the water (fire on high) and let it boil before turning fire to low and allow it to simmer for at least an hour.
*meanwhile prepare your yongtaufoo while allowing flavours to infuse into soup*
- eggplant (aubergines)
- dried mushrooms (soaked and cleaned)
- tofu
- taupok (fried beadcurd)
- dried beancurd skin
- mackerel fish paste (available in asian gorceries or wet markets)
- minced pork
- 1 tsp corn starch
- salt and pepper (you can use bittergourd and chilli if you are looking for extreme flavours)
1. blend fish paste and mince pork, add salt, pepper and corn starch into mixture. mix well.
2. put mixture on/into your tofu/eggplant/dried mushrooms etc.
3. heat up pan with a little oil and lightly fry the yongtaufoo. gives the yongtaufoo its shape before you put into the soup.
4. throw everything into soup!! =D allow it to boil for 15min or so.
5. serve and enjoy!!
this is such an easy, foolproof recipe but pretty time-consuming. you may wanna rope your housemates or family in to help you stuff the filling. =D definitely worth the effort though. ENJOY~~