Monday, December 25, 2006

if anyone is wondering where i had gone...
i was actually busy working and spending the money that i had worked so hard for away.
bought a top(tank top w a gingerbread man).
bought a bag(puma---again!!).
bought another top but is sort of long n is purple.
bought a bubble skirt n leggings(or was it leggies??) to go w the skirt.
searching for my new shoes.
resorted to having to go online shopping now.


how to be a shoppaholic...
-shop til ur feet kills u n til they swell up to 1 size larger than ur usual shoe size.
for that u wld have succeeded in making sure that u dont miss a sopt in the mall u're in.

-dont ever(i mean NEVER!!) buy something that u fancy in the 1st shop u enter.
if u r some1 lidat. i'm sorry but u've failed to b a shoppaholic.

-always shop as if the cash in ur pocket never ends. =)
that wld have been an excellent way to make up to urself for the past yrs good behaviour.

so dont be shy!! pick up ur wallet/purse today n shop away like there's no tomorrow!!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

now working, so my life currently revolves ard ntuc.
must admit that i m a person who is stingy with my smiles.
com'on la!! not as if smiling will kill me.
but i thot i smiled quite a lot today.
dont know why. =.=
well it's a good thing rite??


haha but anyway, here i m w all my complaints of the week.
ntuc is definitely not a place for ppl who r afraid of heights.
i was supposed to be a cashier but i owaes get called away to do random jobs.
i m the cashier+storehand+admin worker
hehex. storehand is one who unpacks the goods and place them on the shelves.
n is definitely not a job for those who have a phobia of heights.
so my supervisor asked me to get a ladder to climb to the top shelf to bring the boxes down.
i totally freaked out.
there were 4 steps on the ladder, i was on the 1st 1 n i felt like a mile away from the grd.
[lol exaggeration]
but it reli feels scary. haha.
something tt i wld like to suggest wld b placing the counters further into the store.
bcos...the air-conditioning is right above my head.
it blows...continously. if i switched it off. i wld feel like a roasting pig.
so my hair gets messy. =.=
the air keeps blowing at max rate n my hair becomes flat.
[ugly sai]
n i dun get insured for messy hair.
in fact i dun get insured for anything tt i risked to do at ntuc. lol.
not even climbing to the top shelf on the unreliable-looking ladder. :x


hmm...wad i m abt to say is not fabricated nor is it my personal opinion.
there has been ppl who kept telling me i look like certain ppl.
the most common ones are:

-olinda cho, from last season's Singapore Idol.
[omg do i seriously look like her?? other than the short hair i seriously dun think we have anything else in common, as in facially. Shud i b feeling flattered now?? XD]

-???, sorry cant rmb the name but she was the 1 who won the 2nd gold medal in the DOHA games for sg. she's the 50m butterfly style swimmer. considering tt sg only won 3 gold medals, it is a big acheivement. =)
[hmm...kk so all short hair women look like me. =.= thx for the compliment. but i'm not as good a swimmer as she is. lol. i'm flattered.]

disclaimer: i didn't say tt i actually look like them. but ppl whom i m exposed to, said i looked like them. ??!!

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

calling out to all good ppl out there.
those who crave to have retail therapy but r too broke to do anything abt it.
pls...heed my advice.
[work for it]
as in literally.
cash dont come falling from skies
or grow from trees,
and money definitely dont keep flowing from ur parents' wallets.
cos they worked equally hard for it.


today is officially my 3rd day of work.
working as a cashier as ntuc agn.
not tt i wan to.
my boss told me yday.


[convo w boss]

boss: u nxt yr 2nd yr rite?
boss: aft tt go uni got v long break hor?
boss: uni april then start lessons rite?
me: (nods)
boss: then when u a lev finish u come back here n work la! (all smiles)
me: (raise eyebrows. stunned)
me: err...orh. (too shocked for words)


not tt i'm flattered but i just din wan to work at ntuc anymore.
lol. pay is lousy n i have to put on the 'all-smiles' face to those disgusting customers.
i have to follow the GST rule
which meant Greet Smile Thankyou.
although i do admit tt my supervisors n colleages were v nice to me.
but just the thot of having to smile at ppl whom u reli feel like slapping makes me uneasy.
as least if i worked as a data entry clerk i wldnt have to feel so uncomfortable.
as least the computer wun grumble or even talk back at me.
at most the only way of showing displeasure wld be tt it hang on me.
but i wldnt mind tt.


just 3days of work n i'm facing hell loads of problems.
i dont know which is worst?

1. 9 voids in 3days, which will leave a bad record even tho it is clearly not my fault


2. a man who is a do-do head, comes round asking for discounts on a non-discounted item. eventually leaving me with 1 void receipt. (clearly the dettol handwash500ml cost $4.90, a newspaper cutting showed that 2 for $5.15 and tt is for the 400ml 1 which our branch does not carry. so he came to me w 2 btles of 500ml handwash and asked for the $5.15 price. even a retard wld noe that it wldnt have been so cheap. when 1 is like alr $4.90!! how can u expect 2 to be only a freaking cheap $5.15??! [flabbergasted] unless the handwash is some brandless shit n is near its expiry n when u use it only 1% of the bacteria gets killed. only then wld 2 btles of handwash cost some cheap!! RETARD)


3. an old man who comes in w a cigarette in hand (me being v sensitive to cigarette smoke, immediately told him politely that tis was a non-smoking area). the old man who was clearly in the wrg stil reasoned w me. =.= he was even trying to hide the cigarette behind him while queueing. but my highly-sensitive nose detected the smoke, which was so choking!! i told him tt he was not allowed to smoke here but he told that he came to pay for the bread n smoking was a diff issue. come-on la mister!! who u trying to kid sia?? obviously it was a diff matter n he was not allowed to bring a lighted stinking stick into tis vicinity. but wadeva. cldnt be bothered to reason w him too much. so i hurriedly scanned his item, cash out n he went off, ntuc bag in 1 hand, cigarette in another.


4. met a mad woman who was got pissed for no rhyme or reason. -.- went like tt...tis angmoh-speaking chinese woman came to the counter w 5 btles of carbonated water, then she said she wanted 6 so she went off to get another btle. me, being a v nice n professional cashier did not wan to let the rest of the queue wait so i did the nxt person 1st. then the woman came back w her 6th btle of carbo water she saw tt i let the nxt person go 1st so she got pissed. she slammed the btle on the counter table n she scolded 'shit'. she folded her arms n was looking v bad. when it was her turn she was v displeased w me. it wasnt my attitude tt made her blew her top. it was her problem. tt's y i dun like working in the service line. cos no matter how a costomer scold u or even if u noe tt obviously it wasnt my fault u still have to GST(Greet Smile Thankyou). she threw the money at the table n waited while i scanned her items. i almost punched n screamed at her. but i tolerated. bcos if i had cont w my positive attitude, other costomers wld have regarded her as a siao cha bo(mad woman in hokkien) n i wld be the nice n polite cashier. so i just cont n then she left. wad a biatch.


sometimes some costomers r just annoying.
they get cocky when they have a bit of money.
pls la.
ben siao jie bu shi qiong de lor. (it means tt i m not poor in chi)
i'm a rich man's kid. lol. jkjk.
haha as in not poor enuf to be so desparate for the cashier job.
i m not obliged to work there. only bcos my supervisor asked me back.
so here i m! stuck.
at 1st i worked there cos i thot it wld be nice to earn my 1st dollar all by myself.
haha. it feels good to have cash in ur pocket.
but during last yr chi new yr(peak period), i had a v bad experience which made me cry.
haha. so when the mad woman came to me, i thot "sian it's de'javu".
nvm. i will be there for 1mth only. till the end of dec. =)
haa. i will not be short of cash during nxt yr. yeah. hurrays.


will be posting my pics taken in south afica v soon. :)