Wednesday, March 25, 2009

i took this quiz on fb.
"what does your birthday say about you?"

the result displayed made me snigger.


Loves to joke. Attractive. Suave and caring. Brave and fearless.Firm and has leadership qualities(i think this is true right??). Knows how to console others. Too generous and egoistic. Takes high pride of oneself. Thirsty for praises. Extraordinary spirit. Easily angered. Angry when provoked. Easily jealous. Observant. Careful and cautious. Thinks quickly. Independent thoughts. Loves to lead and to be led. Loves to dream. Talented in the arts(maybe...), music and defense. Sensitive but not petty. Poor resistance against illnesses. Learns to relax. Hasty and trusty. Romantic. Loving and caring. Loves to make friends.

those that were italicised were the ones that i felt really described me.
the one that really made me LOL was the one that i had bold and italicised. (right?? ahtan...)

Monday, March 23, 2009

i got back my 1st assignment today. the one on the tank-car.

to dad & mum: i got 80%, HD!! =D
(i know dad will be proud of me.)

i'm bent on getting another HD for my next assignment. tough cookie this time round but i know i'll make it. =))


p.s(studio tutor apparently is in a better mood today. only constructive criticisms.)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

an assignment from another module required us to construct a structure from a single material.
without using any glue(other than gluing the top layer on), it took me ages to build this structure which could hold more than 10litres of water.

my model...nicely done.

immediately after the construction of my model, i had to wreck it!! wee~
went to the toilet to wreck my model, ethel was most enthusiastic when it came to wrecking my structure. XD
at 10kg of weight.
actually it could have held more weight, due to some technical glitch during the construction and my laziness to cut more cardboard to enhance the strength, it was nearly as good as gone by 10litres of water.

my model...nicely wrecked. *smirks*
p.s(for those who're freaking as to why i had to wreck my fruit of labour, no worries...because we were suppose to wreck our models and document the whole process of the wreckage.) =))

Thursday, March 19, 2009

studio today made me realise i had to go Hyde park again because i went to the wrong part of the park to take my pictures.
good thing the place is very scenic. *smirks*


moral: Human stupidity is a commodity that is never in short supply.

p.s (studio tutor was incredibly cranky today.)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

new assignment is up and it requires us to visit Hyde Park. the place was absolutely picturesque.
i shall let the pictures do the talking...


Thursday, March 12, 2009

today is submission day!!! i managed to finish my 5drawings and 1collage on time.
went to bed at 1.30am last night. i work well under considerable amount of stress. LOL~

the guys hard at work, cutting up the wires for the exhibition we had within the architecture building itself.

nah...thomas's model doesn't run on solar energy. he was trying very hard to dry the glue on his model. X)

our mini exhibition...

much satisfaction gained.

excellent collage.

such ingenuity.

hybrid between a submarine and a tank.

my model!!! hybrid between a tank and a car.
as follows...i present to you 2 of my technical drawings of my "tank-car".
front elevation.
side elevation.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

the printroom.
2hours of hardcore workshop for me.

after the long hours of carving.
i finally finished my printing. (this time alone, with no help from nobody.)
this is one of my submission as well. =))

who says i'm slack lor??
lovin' all my homework to the maximum. embracing it every moment.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

conk me hard on the head if i ever subconsciously start to speak with a slang.


thursday submission: 5drawings and 1collage.


drawings...1 done, 4 more to go.

Monday, March 9, 2009

friends in singapore say i seem very happy with what i'm doing.
indeed i am.

friends in aussie say i look very shag.
indeed i am.

i am shag but i'm very happy with what i'm doing now.

HAPPY-the simplest word to describe an emotion. simple as it may be, it's enough to describe the overwhelming feeling i have inside of me. simplicity is bliss.

not being able to pursue what you truly want is mental torment.

giving up the original dream and pursuing what may not seem to be your ultimate dream is crap. it stinks.

i'm a dictator of MY OWN LIFE. life is filled with optimism.

thank you very much. =)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

currie hall dinner event on thursday, 5 March.
theme: 70s night.

i was so not into the retro mood. nevertheless, i joined in anyway. what was there to lose?? there was good food and relatively-good music.

greek goddess was never during the 70s. X)

pong, victor, brandon.

this photo is damn hilarious.
look at nathaniel's face!! rofl.
everyone on the dancefloor. more photos and videos on fb.
i'm SO going to be a hardcore mugger. so much work to do yet so little time...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

marketing at SUBIACO.
15minutes bus-ride from the UWA.
a very pretty town on its own.

i bought 12 large(but it's really damn small) eggs for $3.
it's considered cheap already lor!! it's Australia, people. what were you expecting??
i don't really fancy yogurt but this yogurt is really eye-catching.
this market is only open on fridays and weekends.

i bought an apple strudel(half of what you see in the photo) for $4.00!! =D


subiaco...a quiet place in Perth but still mesmerizing.

bus-ride back home.

hmm...?? what is that i hear?? not enough pictures of subiaco??

now...say your goodbyes.