Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What went wrong?!

every bit is wrong! =.=

the above digitalised image is done in Sketchup.
i'm just glad that it's something i love. otherwise the multiple changes and rejections would have warrant enough fury to kill my tutor. =) *peace* (V)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

attempted to roast pork today...german pork knuckle.
was trying to make the skin crackle like how chinese roast pork would be like. tough work.
but all in all, it came out really tasty. yum yum picks bottom~ XD

score the skin of the pork, mine came scored. usually the butcher would have done it already but still you can add a couple more scoring to allow easier crackling of the skin. =)
pat dry using paper towel. rub pepper onto the meat (only) to season. rub salt all over the pork, including especially skin. the salt makes the skin crackle. leave uncovered and put in fridge overnight to marinate. the cold dry air in the fridge dries out the moisture on the skin, for...(yep...u guessed it...crackling). if you are a hygiene freak, you probably want to wrap your pork in a clean kitchen towl before putting it in the fridge to rest.

by the following day, the salt would have dissolved into the skin. rub more salt on the skin and leave it air dry. i was afraid the pork might go bad so i tried putting it in the oven and put it on the lowest heat to dry, sadly i haven't dried it enough so the skin didn't crackle as much as it should have. (the golden parts were the crackled parts, the darker area were "uncrackled" so it's chewy)
well, i suggest you plug in the hair dryer and dry the skin till it becomes mildly translucent at the edge. X) (stupid as it may sound, but com'on after all of that...i'm sure you will go all out to attain the perfection of your pork knuckle right?)
before placing it in the oven, roughly chop some fresh rosemary and rub it all over the pork. fresh roshmary taste better but i used dried herbs cause that's all we had in the house.
put it in the oven for an hour (depending on how much meat you have, the one i used was slightly more than 500g) at 220degrees. my oven was fan-forced. you might need to set the temperature a lil higher if it's not fan-forced.
after an hour (or so), take out the pork and leave it to cool for about 10minutes, this allows the juices to be reabsorbed so the meat will be juicy and tender.

there you have it...pork knuckle. (=

Saturday, April 17, 2010

stayed up for 3nights. didn't have good sleep for the past 10days.
2nd submission for studio is finally here and over!!! *grins*

slept through the whole of thursday after my submission at 9 in the morning. came back at 10 and went to bed shortly, waking up at half past 6.

(roomie was away in the library studying and housemate already had his dinner) so i had to whip up something for dinner for myself.

checked the fridge...the fact that it was a thursday didn't help in brainstorming for what to cook because the fridge was running low on supplies!!! ahhhh~
there was a lil rice left from dinner the day before, some button mushrooms and a lil bacon. oh..n all that's left in ithe freezer is chicken!!! (i want other kinds of meat =.=)
there was half a bittergourd left. initially i did thought about cooking 2 separate dishes, a meat and a veg. but that would be too much for me. n too much of a hassle.

so i ended up cooking baked rice instead! *grins*

posted this up because shuning is great at chao fan!! =D girl...u can make baked rice too.

just fry it according to the fried rice method lor. just tt i used olive oil to give it an extra kick. added bacon and freash button mushrooms.

marinated the chicken thigh with soy sauce, sesame oil, sugar/honey, pepper. coat it with thin layer of flour and pan fry it til golden but not thoroughly cooked.

cut up the chicken thigh into strips. see...the inside is not thoroughly cooked cause got to put it in the oven so let the oven do the rest. X)

place the chicken on top on the rice. don't cut the chicken into strips before frying because it'll make ur chicken cook faster when pan frying, cut it only when you are putting it in the oven.

place mozzarella on top. i didn't have any so i put sliced cheese. mozzarella taste stronger. sliced cheese taste more milky. and mozzarella gives u the nice stringy look when you are eating it. (like how a nice hot pizza would work)

in the oven for about 180degrees for 10min. turn the dial to 250 for another 5min to brown the cheese.

dinner is served!! XD

oh...i kinda decided to cook the half bittergourd i had, turned out to be not a lot. so i had it all to myself!
woman!! i tried making glutinous rice too...SUCCESS! potluck when i return~ *beams*