hey..!! how can u all doubt me. i v sad lor. haiz. sec2 say le doesn't mean owaes say mah.
As the saying goes,"All's well that ends well." :) Frenz 4eva...

2dae prelim compo can die le la. nxt time muz bring watch if not i duno the time. rush lyk sai. then miss a lot of points cuz i thot no time then end up slack there for more than 5min lor!! then i hand in the paper le realise i stil got 5 min. i surely not dumb de. waste 10min!! 10min lor!! i can write a lot of points in 10min. waste my time. stupid. hmph...Bleah =P lyk tt prelims surely L1R5 can get less than 11. k lor. wadeva.

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