Tuesday, May 30, 2006

had gp exam today.
super rock-sing.
was dozing off during paper2.
just cldn't concentrate on reading the passages.
dun quite understand wad the qns were asking for.
but i did manage to crap up my ans.
[hope that i get them rite] ;p
then we went for our learning journey.
off to lau pa sat we go...
sure learnt alot. lol
surely de lor.
but i realise lau pa sat english name is 'festival market'
ah tan say v 'nan ting'
i thot it sounded horrid as well.
so orbit.
then i ordered ban mian for lunch.
so did cor n kar n liwen.
the bowl was freaking big.
n the mian was like so much.
cldn't finish it.
then off to esplanade we went.
the sun was scorching.
used an umbrella.
along the way we took some pics.
then we slack at esplanade,
there were alot of other classes as well.
watched some girls dancing n we started commenting.
it was not bad.
soon we left and it was time for x-men 3!! ^^


we walked to shaw tower at beach road.
it was a rather old building but the theatre sure is big.
but the seats were not as comfy.
it was kinda prickly.
[pricked my butt]
mr ng treated us to popcorn.
[eat til i wana vomit]
then we had loads of leftover so we gave it back to mr ng
which he da pau back hm. haha
the show was good but i tink x-men 2 was nice as well.
in fact all the x-men movies were good.
normally the series tend to get real lousy.
but this 1 was good.
[recommended movie of the month!! ^^]
later dardar, ah tan,cor,kar,pq,yanhong,ning,yuquan n jk
went bugis mac n eat.
din buy anything cos i stil feeling nauseous over the popcorn.
then we went hm.
[wanted to buy shoebag but cant find nice ones]


(on the mrt)
it was so packed.
no place to grab onto anything for support
but then there was no place to fall either.
[so squeezy]
then a big-sized guy boarded the train n stand behind me.
he stood v close.
then i felt something stiff n hard rubbing against my butt.
[totally freaked out]
lol but dun tink is his *toot*
then i kept moving towards shiqi n yanhong
he moved forward too.
there was like so much space behind la.
n he kept moving towards me.
his front was clinging onto my back.
felt v uneasy.
then after a few stops.
he shifted and stood behind yanhong.
yanhong freaked out too. lol
she used her slingbag as a barrier btwn her n that guy.
shiqi was a bit pissed by him cos he kept mvoing towards us.
we felt so squashed.
shiqi told him to move but he said he was alighting.
so there was nthg we cld do.
it was only when he got off the train then i feel safe.


went hm w sermin-dardar as usual.
then we were arguing on which side to walk.
then i walked her hm 2day.
chatted along the way.
then she said how come i not guy.
[com'on dar dun lidat la]
save some women's pride.
lubz ya lotss.
nite nite, sugar dreamz...

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