Thursday, May 29, 2008

i have 3pieces of news to share. none of which i think is good.
1. my application for NUS archi is unsuccesful.
2. application for aust uni does not end on 31st may (which means i still have time)
3. i may be going overseas for my uni studies (70% chance go aust, 20% retake Alev, 10% sign up for SIM.)


i always tear up when i reach this topic. it's my soft spot. reli sensitive issue.


start calling me ALEXIS, ppl. it's easier for me to familiarise and respond to this name than having angmohs try to remember and call me by my chinese name. HAAAA~
i love my name. =DDD (random-ness) but it's suppose to mean a place of wisdom. i see the place but i dont see the wisdom coming in. hello???

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

31st may is the last day for australia university application. the next application will come again in another 365days.
i'm still waiting. (for what i'm not too sure..)
waiting for hope or for rejection? time is pressing me. local uni is not giving me an answer. my application is still processing. but in another 3days, application will close. does that mean 3more days of hope or 3more days to rejection?
(please don't give me hope if i'm not going to be accepted. reject me upfront and i can immediately sign up for australia uni.)
it's really depressing having to open up the mailbox to find it filled with letters but none of them are mine. none of which are related to the uni application approval.
if local uni doesn't want me, i can always go overseas. my mum seems very approving of that and my dad is supporting me financially, so whatever it may be i should say i'm very blessed.
but i do not have the luxury of staying locally and be with my family and my friends. no doubt i still have my aunt who will be taking care of me but still home is the best place to be. i do not wish to call australia my home.


i want to live here, study here and work here.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

previously i was saying that i don't really like people in teamB. guess what?!
from next mth onwards(june), i'll be swapped over to teamB. (THANK YOU HUH!! REGINA!)
angry sia~
work with all 3 teams before and teamA is still the best. teamC is second and teamB is out of range. =.=


mayb i can start telling regina, "put me back teamA la, otherwise i'll quit!" LOL.
but being a very sensible person, i shall not do that. but i've been going ard telling almost everybody in my team that i wana quit end of tis mth. so if they cont to c me nxt mth...(very no face) haha. but the only thing that's bugging me is that i stil got 1 unclaimed ph which i came to know that i won't be getting paid for it if i choose to leave end of tis mth.(it could have one of those supervisor's tactics that try to make people stay. damn!)


so the conclusion is...i'm gonna stay! in the name of that unclaimed ph! (haa! ahtan tell that to ur mum! i'm gonna stay!! LOL)
but if i cant tahan i might just leave in the middle of the mth. i wan time to make my plushies la! =p

Thursday, May 15, 2008

(cleaning the cobwebs that had housed themselves on my blog during the past 1mth and 1 day)


recently alot of my colleagues have been asking when will i b leaving. i'm not too sure myself. my only concern is i still got 1 unclaimed ph(public holiday). and i wonder how the company is gonna pay me???!!
if the company pays me 2times the pay, i'll leave end of tis mth. LOL. *MONEH!!*(i love tis word. haha)
if the company pays 1.5times then i might just work 1 more week into june.


(in the midst of consideration)
but then again the crowd in june is crazy. cos that's one of the airport's peak season(the other 1 is during dec).


i asked my supervisor abt my unclaimed ph n asked how the company was gonna pay me. then i say i might be resigning end of tis mth. i reckoned that i shud stay at home n get my body into proper condition cos tis job has made me reli sickly. (of cos during the mth of june, i'll b opening alot of plushies sprees which i will then be selling them off online!!! *MONEH* lol. i love tis word.)
(conversation btwn me n my very cute sup)

me: eh will the company pay me for the ph if i tender end of tis mth?

regina(bz at work suddenly turns around): erm will pay u 2times ba, definitely not 3times. HUH??! u wana resign ar? don't tender hor, i won't accept. aiya work til end of june la.(giving me her sweetest smile)

me: (giving my honey-coated rock sugar smile---very sweet n firm) huh...but i very tired la.


tis job reli very tiring sia. but over tis period i reli met some close friends. they played a very motherly role and gave me advice. reli wana thank them from my heart.
one of them asked when i was leaving...i said mayb end of this mth cos very tired. but regina was hoping that i wld work till end june.
she told me, "you shud have time for yourself, to rejuvenate. don't bother abt the obligations that u might have towards regina. you'll need time for yourself."
my obligatons towards regina was that she has been very kind to me, even though there were a few times when she don't grant e a full day off. but she lets me have half a day off even if i only gave her 1hr notice. (THANK YOU REGINA!! *HUGGS*)


maybe 1 of the reasons why everybody in this company is kind to me is becos i'm not working long. everybody is kind other than the bee-yotch who said tt i went to the toilet to chitchat when i reli went there to pangsai. stil haben caught the culprit(it was somebody from teamB, nvr reli liked tt team anyway.not all, selective) if i ever finds out hu the person was,i'll let her eat my sai!!!(that day de sai)---proof that i DID go pangsai. angry sia~!


conclusion: i tink i'll work to mid june. or mayb just 1 week into june. aiya!!! i duno la!! mayb quit end of tis mth. heck man! today's if my off day. i dun wan bother so much abt work.