Thursday, May 29, 2008

i have 3pieces of news to share. none of which i think is good.
1. my application for NUS archi is unsuccesful.
2. application for aust uni does not end on 31st may (which means i still have time)
3. i may be going overseas for my uni studies (70% chance go aust, 20% retake Alev, 10% sign up for SIM.)


i always tear up when i reach this topic. it's my soft spot. reli sensitive issue.


start calling me ALEXIS, ppl. it's easier for me to familiarise and respond to this name than having angmohs try to remember and call me by my chinese name. HAAAA~
i love my name. =DDD (random-ness) but it's suppose to mean a place of wisdom. i see the place but i dont see the wisdom coming in. hello???

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