Wednesday, October 29, 2008

continuing from where i left off the other day(cleaning ONLY one shelf)...
spent the entire day cleaning up my room, when i say cleaning, i really meant cleaning. i drowned the floor in bleach(diluted), wiped my windows, pulled out my bed and scrubbed the walls, and clean out my table!!

(i do clean my room every other day la. just that the mess on the table doesn't really bothers me, i just sweep and mop the floor.)

Gone are the messiness, dust, cobwebs and (the following is dedicated to ahtan and jiaxian...) the "anyhow-grab-also-got-pen" days. XDDD

love my room even more, now that it smells of a terrific bleach+dettol blend. =)))

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

so much talk about chemicals found in food nowadays.
first, there was the melamine in China's milk powder. now, there's the talk abt Bishphenol A (BPA) existing in milk bottles and plastic bottles. the news said that milk bottles should be changed every 4-6months and a consumer added that if possible, parents should buy those that are BPA-free or glass milk bottles(totally free of any chemicals).


we all know what melamine can do to our bodies. that it will cause our urine to crystalise in our kidneys resulting in kidney stones. however, should melamine be consumed(in minute amounts, please DO NOT freak), you can simply gulp down water(as much as you can drink) to wash out the melamine in our kidneys.
(hey~no harm done then. =DD)

p.s(however, drinking too much water might result in water-poisoning) =.=


what about BPA then?
what can BPA do to our bodies?
well...the trusty google tells it all!! XD

(taken from the following website

The scientific evidence that supports a conclusion of some concern for exposures in fetuses, infants, and children comes from a number of laboratory animal studies reporting that “low” level exposure to bisphenol A during development can cause changes in behavior and the brain, prostate gland, mammary gland, and the age at which females attain puberty. These studies only provide limited evidence for adverse effects on development and more research is needed to better understand their implications for human health. However, because these effects in animals occur at bisphenol A exposure levels similar to those experienced by humans, the possibility that bisphenol A may alter human development cannot be dismissed.

In laboratory animals, exposure to very high levels of bisphenol A during pregnancy can cause fetal death and reduced birth weight and growth during infancy. These studies provide clear evidence for adverse effects on development, but occur at exposure levels far in excess of those experienced by humans. Two recent human studies have not associated bisphenol A exposure in pregnant women with decreased birth weight or several other measures of birth outcome. Results from several animal studies provide evidence that bisphenol A does not cause birth defects such as cleft palette, skeletal malformations, or grossly abnormal organs.



can't somebody discover this 19years earlier??
i asked my mum and she said she hardly changes our milk bottles. (bad news~) =.=

and then i asked her further, how frequent was our(my brother and I) milk bottles changed? and she said that at least it is not what the news suggested(4-6months). (bad bad news~) -_-lll



but i'm still alive & kicking. =)) *beams*
so wassup with the kidz these days!!???

Monday, October 27, 2008

found time to tidy up my room. spent the whole day walking down memory lane. just clearing only ONE shelf and look!!...these are what i've found. =)))
well...i never meant to be a garang guni but some thing are really meant for keepsakes.

copper sulphate crystals (CuSO4.H2O)
(i knew i never did lose my chemistry touch. LOL~)

jiaxian made this. green~

crayons...(i don't even know how i got these)

a production by the 8 girls of 06S304.

one of the guides from my patrol made this during a farewell.

there's a name for this but i don't know what...(these things that has holes and sand fall through these holes. i can spend the whole day watching the sand fall through XD)
this is what i call LIFE...

aye-aye matee...treasure chest.

(in the treasure chest) 6-petaled ixora. (you usually see 4 or 5 petals, so these are really special.)
ixora---the guides patrol which i use to be in, and shall always be.

another lovely production by the guides. =)

a birthday gift from pohshihui. really cute seahorse.

jiaxian's work of art. (stars used to be arranged in the colours of the rainbow. XD)

direct from Sweden IKEA.


(my guides seniors did this. sweet~)
shoot 4 the moon! even if you'll land Amongst the stars!!

i made it!! chalk pounded by hand.

poh did this on valentine's. there're 27hearts, 8ships, 2cranes.
which represents the 2 of us whose birthdays fall on 27/8. =)))
so sweet right??!!

a casual display of my sewing prowess. tee-hee-hee. >.<
went simpang with Karen after a usual swimming session and spent i think $6 to "tong" these childhood toys. (we "tong" 6 in total, of course.)
shiny, shiny...
the fitness corner of ahs has really been torn down. =((

all the 瓶瓶灌灌 put together.
so many 瓶瓶灌灌, so many memories...
so how can i possibly throw away my 瓶瓶灌灌 leh.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

blogging from my new notebook. yay~~


after long months of deciding between the various brands of PCs. we eventually settled for HP Pavilion.
model: dv5_1036tx


erm...i suppose it's a relatively good deal because for starters, the original price was $2599 and we managed to get it at $2430 with free upgrade (from a 3GB to) to a 4GB ram, plus free carry case and optical mouse and microsoft home student edition. (so i suppose it's good right??)


the graphic card also very power so that means i can play those RPG games on my notebook(not as if i do play). but but...the MOST important thing is that it comes with a teevee antenna so i can get to watch teevee in my own room when i stay in hostel in the future. no need to go to the common teevee room and squeeze with everybody else for teevee!!! (plusplus point~)

Monday, October 20, 2008

God made man perfect.

(ok...maybe not that perfect.)

why do girls have their monthly periods?

(having major ache in the spine and kidneys there.)


Thursday, October 16, 2008

so what exactly is a Gilbert Tay?? O.o
(the polls are now open CLOSED)
a) a lecturer in NUS
b) an architecture firm
c) a scholarship
d) all of the above


the truth shall now be revealed...(drumroll)

so Gilber Tay is actually...
a) a lecturer in NUS
b) an architecture firm
c) a scholarship
d) all of the above


so Gilbert Tay is a lecturer in NUS??? *shrug*
i can't answer that for sure but i'm definitely sure that Mr.G is definitely NO architecture firm or a scholarship.


i shall move on with life while Miss. Ke-Ai-&-Mei-Li shall reveal to you the truest identity of Mr.G.


thank you for tuning in to "Huiyuan's Mr.G Mystery"


CASE CLOSED~ *picture big red words boxed up, like those stamps that police use when they close the case(i suppose they use those stamps, the teevee said so!!)*

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

ok...(being most unconvinced)...i went to google for Gilbert Tay archi firm again.

so the results were...(drumroll)

...that Gilbert Tay Architecture Firm don't exist??

check this out.

it's not Gilbert Tay but just Gilbert. the base is not in HongKong but in Lancaster. the guy who founded the association was never Gilbert Tay but Thomas W. Gilbert. the firm has achieved several awards and their speciality is at designing school campuses. (FACT!!)

so eventually the case is solved for Mr.G. it's a case of mistaken identity.

but my final question who is Mr. Gilbert Tay?? (polls are still open =D)
with regards to the previous post, i've changed the name to "sihui". (very confusing can!!??) haha.

i went to google for Gilbert Tay archi firm and apparently it does exist. O.o

so what is what??!!!

even the supposed truth is fake!!! hello??!! and sihui still tells me it's a scholarship. and then she said all was fake. O.o

so what exactly is a Gilbert Tay?? O.o
(the polls are now open)
a) a lecturer in NUS
b) an architecture firm
c) a scholarship
d) all of the above


to Ke Ai: u're keli rite?? si drives me crazy(totally). LOL.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

met sihui today on my way home(while i was on the train).
my trip home from bukit batok has never been shorter. =DD
(fyi: sihui is from ahs!! keli's fren, in all saints' de.)
saw her by coincidence. she was with 2 other frens.
she was as frenly as ever and so were her frens.


(well cut short the formalities...)


the point was...have you ever tried being lied from clementi all the way to paya lebar. O.o
hello!!?? i knew i am very easily taken in by other's words but i never knew i was THIS gullible...
when shihui asked where i was studying at, i told her i was going overseas to do archi.
then she said, "Do you know Gilbert Tay Architecture Firm?? Most famous in Singapore!"
(her fren was like nodding to her every word and misleading me along)
i told her i didn't know.
(their eyes widened and exclaimed, "YOU DON'T KNOW??!!")

the way they said it made me feel so sinful that i didn't know the most famous archi firm in Singapore, still say their base in HongKong. O.o
but not wanting to feel dumb, i said, "I thought WOHA(archi firm) is the best in Singapore??"
eventually we dropped the issue and her fren started saying she was my pri sch fren. then i was like SERIOUS??!! and we continued talking like lost-long frens. sihui and her fren made everything so convincing can??!!
(fyi: WOHA is indeed a very good archi firm in Singapore, has numerous achievements and at least it does exist.)

then her fren was like going on and on about how sad she was that i don't recognise her. and sihui start making faces and rolling eyes then she said, "gullible is NOT in the dictionary." i didn't catch her hints and continued with the pri-sch-fren-mini-reunion thing.

eventually when her fren alighted at paya lebar, sihui would have grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me if it hadn't been for the laptop in her arms. she later told me that all was a fake!!!
(for those who are so keen on knowing who's Gilbert Tay, he's actually their lecturer.) =.=

omg i had been cheated from clementi to paya lebar. T_T

but the whole point am i gonna survive without being cheated if i were to go aussie??? sihui sounded super convincing.

but but the moral of the story is...i must always be honest.
(luckily, i never giay khiang(act smart) and say , "OHH~~the Gilbert Tay archi firm ah! i know." cos it was a major scam) =.=

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


absolutely cute woman with a ridiculously cute hat.

birthday girl~

preparing herself for the climb to the top of the chair for the most wonderful experience. embarassing meh??
our bday girl here is totally enjoying herself to the maximum.
maximum fun+excitement, minimum paiseh-ness.

ok la..maybe just a lil' embarassing but THREE-CHEERS for "mei" "angeline" "jerlyn" for being such a great sport. XD

off goes the hat~

like i always say, "what's a gathering without FOOD??! DIG IN EVERYBODY~"

ahtan had to leave early and we went to the arcade. i just feast myself on shuning's and meixin's arcade card. XP
(if you're thinking why aren't there any of my pictures in the arcade...)

(...well, somebody has to take the pictures right?!!)
had a mini surprise parteh with meixin shuning and ahtan on sunday.
will upload the minimal peektures soon.


watched "painted skin" today.
great show with a lovely touch of the lovey-dovey stuff.
not too much but just right. =))
did shed a tear or two at the last part.
our Singapore actor(mr.715), apparently acts in a seemingly minor role. a chameleon demon and he would be better if stayed invisible throughout the show. =.=
overall 3.5stars out of 5.
worth the money watching. and trust me, it's no horror movie. (when hy says it's not scary. it really isn't. XD)

p.s(heard that the "painted skin" filmed 40years ago was truly terrifying~) O.o