Tuesday, October 28, 2008

so much talk about chemicals found in food nowadays.
first, there was the melamine in China's milk powder. now, there's the talk abt Bishphenol A (BPA) existing in milk bottles and plastic bottles. the news said that milk bottles should be changed every 4-6months and a consumer added that if possible, parents should buy those that are BPA-free or glass milk bottles(totally free of any chemicals).


we all know what melamine can do to our bodies. that it will cause our urine to crystalise in our kidneys resulting in kidney stones. however, should melamine be consumed(in minute amounts, please DO NOT freak), you can simply gulp down water(as much as you can drink) to wash out the melamine in our kidneys.
(hey~no harm done then. =DD)

p.s(however, drinking too much water might result in water-poisoning) =.=


what about BPA then?
what can BPA do to our bodies?
well...the trusty google tells it all!! XD

(taken from the following website http://www.cspinet.org/nah/bpa.html)

The scientific evidence that supports a conclusion of some concern for exposures in fetuses, infants, and children comes from a number of laboratory animal studies reporting that “low” level exposure to bisphenol A during development can cause changes in behavior and the brain, prostate gland, mammary gland, and the age at which females attain puberty. These studies only provide limited evidence for adverse effects on development and more research is needed to better understand their implications for human health. However, because these effects in animals occur at bisphenol A exposure levels similar to those experienced by humans, the possibility that bisphenol A may alter human development cannot be dismissed.

In laboratory animals, exposure to very high levels of bisphenol A during pregnancy can cause fetal death and reduced birth weight and growth during infancy. These studies provide clear evidence for adverse effects on development, but occur at exposure levels far in excess of those experienced by humans. Two recent human studies have not associated bisphenol A exposure in pregnant women with decreased birth weight or several other measures of birth outcome. Results from several animal studies provide evidence that bisphenol A does not cause birth defects such as cleft palette, skeletal malformations, or grossly abnormal organs.



can't somebody discover this 19years earlier??
i asked my mum and she said she hardly changes our milk bottles. (bad news~) =.=

and then i asked her further, how frequent was our(my brother and I) milk bottles changed? and she said that at least it is not what the news suggested(4-6months). (bad bad news~) -_-lll



but i'm still alive & kicking. =)) *beams*
so wassup with the kidz these days!!???

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