Friday, December 5, 2008

with regards to shuning's post about God's intentional ways of directing us onto the right paths, i had my doubts at first then i thought He has helped me made the right decision.

afraid as i may be, i am glad i'm pursuing the course that i had been longing for.

it was only human to cry when upset and laugh when happy. i was rejected during that time so it was only natural to cry. now that i'm looking back at the past...(ask if i have any regrets?)

well...i say, "NEVER!!"

if there are any regrets, it will be 5years later from this day, that when i graduate, some school will be weeping over the fact that they had lost a potential(+excellent) architect-to-be.

to all those who did not make it into your initial school of choice, let this be your motivation to work (not just hard but...) harder.

my aunt said it was a blessing in disguise.

initially i fail to see why. i was unable to study the course that i want in a local school and that i'll have to leave home, my family and my friends. i thank all who has given me such great support and my family for giving me the financial support(without them, this will never be possible).


i shall now reveal my portfolio!!!
Chiang~! Chiang~!!


this was my first piece of work(and inspiration).
Project Butterfly

Introduction: Butterfly drawn onto a black and white grid paper.

The aim of this sketch is that i strongly believe that for every structure and being, it is built upon a skeletal form. Akin to the architectures, a solid foundation is required for a lasting structure. Hence, this is represented by the black grids of the butterfly. The contours of the butterfly is drawn on the blacks squares using chalk, it is like the X-ray film that penetrates deep into the basis of which the butterfly is constructed upon.

The coloured parts on the white squares which are the completed butterfly structure, together with the colours on the wings and vivid body shape, are representative of the eventual completed structure of a building.

I chose to draw a butterfly due to its display of beauty through the wings and the vibrancy of its colours, which I believe is very important when it comes to building of structures. It will have to be appealing to the eye.


i took a picture of this and i was wondering what i could do to it and i turned what looks like this to...


Project Clothes Peg

Introduction: A black and white photo of randomly arranged clothes pegs is pasted in the center of a paper and the rest of the clothes pegs, which are outside of the photo, are hand-drawn onto the paper.

In this piece of artwork, I would like to once again portray the fundamentals of all things. The centralization of the photo represents that all things evolve from a single point. However, the focal point of the picture is evenly distributed. Each clothes peg has equal importance. This applies to everything that we do, each detail is as important as any others and missing out one small detail may seem insignificant to one's eye but may lead to a different picture.

The randomly arranged clothes pegs means that for every deformation and disorganization contributes to creativity as this arises to something different.

In addition, I would like to show that creativity should not be limited within the photo itself but expanded beyond the picture. Thus I have hand-drawn the rest of the clothes pegs which are outside of the photo---imagination outside the box.


i needed a third project but my brain juices were all squished dry. so i drew this... O.o
not very please with myself but still acceptable.

Project Flower

Introduction: Sketch of a longitudinal section of a flower.

With regards to the photos of the flowers I have taken, I would like to show the basic structure of the flower through my sketch as seen above. It is unlike the usual flower that we see because other than the flamboyancy of the petals, we also see the inside of the flower. Beneath the petals, there is the complexity which has been masked by the overlook of the flower. This further enhances my point on the importance of foundation. The seeds which produce this yield may seem insignificant but will eventually determine the quality of the product. I believe that this also true when it comes to architectures, the foundation will have to be sturdy.

Also, there are several buildings which derives its structure and appearance from nature. One of which is the esplanade in Singapore has the appearance of a durian---a tropical fruit. The Crowne Plaza Hotel, which had just been completed in 2008, has a white petal-like designed metal piece draped over the building itself.

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