Tuesday, December 28, 2010

2010 trip to Taiwan

i feel obligated to blog about my taiwan trip, not because i went to the flora expo but mainly why until now also no potential boyfriend!! LOL. i thought that will make excellent blogging material. XD

i have been burning to blog about it eversince we went to this 貔貅 gallery, as usual the overly enthusiastic salesperson will bombard you with the possibilities in life and whatnot and try very much to hardsell their product, in this case it's the 貔貅.

Ramblings aside, usually i don't fall for the "your-life-will-suck-if-you-don't-buy-a-貔貅" trick but this time it's different. the sales got all of us to write our names and then took out an almanac (whatever those are called, those can calculate the 生辰八字 one). she calculated our birthdates and the strokes in our names.

she told my dad that my brother and i both had extremely good names and asked if our names 有给人家算过的. my dad said no, he picked them himself. i would like to think that was a ploy to get him to buy the 貔貅. LOL.

i was kinda skeptical about it all until she said, i have no luck in love. CHIANG CHIANG CHIANG!~ 晴天霹雳! she also said something about me being very successful in my career and that my wealth will be bountiful but my love will come late in life but he will be the one and that i'll marry a wealthy man.

i was like O_O. wah! need or not. i don't how she guessed the no love luck part, probably because my whole self was screaming the no love luck aura. but i like the "i-will-become-very-rich-and-will-eventually-marry-some-rich-guy-and-become-richer" idea. XD

aiyo...so i'll probably get married when i some rich old hag. =.= and he's like the ONE-AND-ONLY. i don't have a lot of options you know.

anyway, i still didn't buy a 貔貅. the 貔貅 wasn't going to change my love luck. it just helps to 闭邪 and balance out the 金木水火土 in our lives. apparently my mum and dad both have alot of 土 in their name but not enough 木 and 水. with land comes trees but trees need water. i just feel really intrigued by the whole 算命 thing, especially when ymx found her one in canada. XD

to all the 蛇 in the coming year, please avoid anything to do with traffic and roads. according to the almanac lady, 蛇在兔年会有high possibilities of mishaps on the roads. so anything to do with roads and traffic 尽量避免.

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