Tuesday, May 30, 2006

it's the sch hols
n i still have sch.
y cant i just enjoy the whole my my hols peacefully??!
aft sch went out to luch w ning, ah tan, shiqi, larre n jk
ate pasta mania.
[no student discount tis time]
so ex. total bill:$9.70
ning say the baked rice v nice.
so i ordered baked rice.
tasted horrible.
tasted strange.
larre was like still telling me good food is worth waiting for.
cos the baked rice was taking so long.
end up the food came,
evrybody tried
then only ning and ah tan say nice.
then i kept putting powdered-cheese n chilli flakes
to cover the horrid taste.
then larre n shiqi kept laughing at me
cos they say i use more than half the bottle of cheese n chilli flakes.
i did not!!
i not the only 1 using mah.
then larre n shiqi gang up n bully me.
they good lor.
win le la.
stupid shiqi loosen the cap of the chilli flake bottle.
then after that she n larre kept asking me to put more chilli.
then i dumb dumb put more chilli.
the moment i turn the bottle over, the cap came off.
then the chilli flakes came pouring out.
dots la...
i kana shock la.
then ning oso shock dio.
jk, larre n shiqi laugh like siao.
they win le lor.
stupid larre kept laughing.
lame shit.
i feel dumb.
boos. lol.
shiqi kept apologising so i forgive her.
stupid larre.
[i said i was gonna scold u on my blog liao]
stupid, stupid, stupid.


tml is slc senior farewell.
so me, ah tan, ning went meixin hse do prezzie.
we bought boxes then put marshmallows inside.
bought strawberries that was freaking big.
but very very sweet. ^^
we bought choc n made strawberry in choc dip.
it was kind of a failure cos the eventual product quite ugly.
but it was v fun.
we were going wild in mx hse.
we melted the choc in water bath.
the choc kept drying out.
n it was so disgusting when the fats "disassociate" w the choc.
there was like so much fats.
the white choc looked like a lump of lard soaking in oil.
then the milk choc looked like brown muah-chee.
disgusting but fun.
ah tan was so motherly she kept wiping the floor.
but she kept ordering me ard like her maid la!!!
[bully me. sobs~]
lucky we manage to finish evryting by 7.30pm
went hm w ah tan aft tt.


phew...lucky 2day no hw to do.
if not i sure pengz.
alr 2 days nvr slp properly le.
now is the time to slp all i wan.
cos tml i have to reach sch at 12noon only!
wahaha. lucky me.
had gp exam today.
super rock-sing.
was dozing off during paper2.
just cldn't concentrate on reading the passages.
dun quite understand wad the qns were asking for.
but i did manage to crap up my ans.
[hope that i get them rite] ;p
then we went for our learning journey.
off to lau pa sat we go...
sure learnt alot. lol
surely de lor.
but i realise lau pa sat english name is 'festival market'
ah tan say v 'nan ting'
i thot it sounded horrid as well.
so orbit.
then i ordered ban mian for lunch.
so did cor n kar n liwen.
the bowl was freaking big.
n the mian was like so much.
cldn't finish it.
then off to esplanade we went.
the sun was scorching.
used an umbrella.
along the way we took some pics.
then we slack at esplanade,
there were alot of other classes as well.
watched some girls dancing n we started commenting.
it was not bad.
soon we left and it was time for x-men 3!! ^^


we walked to shaw tower at beach road.
it was a rather old building but the theatre sure is big.
but the seats were not as comfy.
it was kinda prickly.
[pricked my butt]
mr ng treated us to popcorn.
[eat til i wana vomit]
then we had loads of leftover so we gave it back to mr ng
which he da pau back hm. haha
the show was good but i tink x-men 2 was nice as well.
in fact all the x-men movies were good.
normally the series tend to get real lousy.
but this 1 was good.
[recommended movie of the month!! ^^]
later dardar, ah tan,cor,kar,pq,yanhong,ning,yuquan n jk
went bugis mac n eat.
din buy anything cos i stil feeling nauseous over the popcorn.
then we went hm.
[wanted to buy shoebag but cant find nice ones]


(on the mrt)
it was so packed.
no place to grab onto anything for support
but then there was no place to fall either.
[so squeezy]
then a big-sized guy boarded the train n stand behind me.
he stood v close.
then i felt something stiff n hard rubbing against my butt.
[totally freaked out]
lol but dun tink is his *toot*
then i kept moving towards shiqi n yanhong
he moved forward too.
there was like so much space behind la.
n he kept moving towards me.
his front was clinging onto my back.
felt v uneasy.
then after a few stops.
he shifted and stood behind yanhong.
yanhong freaked out too. lol
she used her slingbag as a barrier btwn her n that guy.
shiqi was a bit pissed by him cos he kept mvoing towards us.
we felt so squashed.
shiqi told him to move but he said he was alighting.
so there was nthg we cld do.
it was only when he got off the train then i feel safe.


went hm w sermin-dardar as usual.
then we were arguing on which side to walk.
then i walked her hm 2day.
chatted along the way.
then she said how come i not guy.
[com'on dar dun lidat la]
save some women's pride.
lubz ya lotss.
nite nite, sugar dreamz...

Sunday, May 28, 2006

[totally worn out]
ydae went to watch da vin ci code
w ah tan n ning.
we kept walking back n forth in tm n cs
cos we wanted to find the earliest timeslot.
but we ended up watching the 9.30pm 1 instead.
[long story dun ask me y]--lol
so we watched til 12 midnight.
the whole movie was so lengthy.
it was just a series of events.
no climax.
perhaps it's becos i m not a catholic nor m i a christian
plus i did not read the book
so i didn't qutie understand the whole story.
then in the midst of the movie,
ah tan contact lens(right side) fell out.
she tried to put it back in
but to no avail
so she held it in her hand
(or at least she thot she did)
but at the end of her movie she lost it.
the lens wasn't in her hands
we looked for it n found it hardened on her pants.
so we brought it to the toilet n flushed it w lots of water
hoping to revive it.
eventually ah tan stil threw her contact lens away.
so she was left w only 1 side of her contact lens.
it was alr midnight.
so we assumed that there was no more bus.
then sian wei came,
he came to walk ning hm.
but ah tan n me decided to stayover at ning hse
so there was like 2 huge lightbulbs walking along the streets.
ah tan n me was like super high.
we were acting like drunkards.
it was a fun night.
we were walking in front n we threw ning n sw behind.
then we ran across the road so ning n sw was on the other side of the road.
we were losing our heads.
then we left sw n ning waiting(alone along the quiet streets)
n went into 7-eleven
spent more than 10min there, i suppose
(sw n ning--still alone tgd)
[10min...quite a long time u nvr know wad might happened]
lol =D
then we cont'd our never-ending journey to ning's hse.
(btw there were still buses, 4 293buses went by us)
?!!! -_-
finally we reached n we played like siao-char-bos at the "gym" under her hse
so fun.
so amusing.
(lol, sw must have been totally freaked out by us. haha)
when me n ah tan were totally worn out,
we dedcide it's time to go
so we baded farewell to sw n went up to ning hse.
[where another phase of our high-ness starts]
ning wanted to chat thru out the night
but me n ah tan wanted to slp
so we slp in her study rm.
[on the floor]
we switched off the lights n ning slp btwn me n ah tan.
ning kept msging sw.
the clicking of the buttons was driving ah tan crazy.
she was threatening to conk ning's head if she dun stop.
then sw called,
we were shouting over the phone to ask him to hang up
so we cld slp
actually they weren't even talking!!
they were just stoning over the phone. =.=
[com'on!! i need my slp!]
so they hang up n off to dreamland...


kept waking up in the middle of the night.
the floor was cold n my feet was cold.
cos we switched on the air-con
at 6am jay chou's 'huo yuan jia' came on.
it was ah tan's alarm.
i cldn't b bothered to open my mouth to get ah tan to switch it off
so i kept slapping ning's butt,
hoping that she might wake ah tan up.
but ah tan soon switch it off cos she was stil awake.
poor ah tan managed to slp only at 8am
i managed to slp quite a lot
only waking up at certain moments,
when the air-con was too cold.
then later in the morn,
the door kept opening n closing.
it was ning's sister.
the door kept creaking n waking us up
i woke up at 9.30am
n i asked them to wake up so we cld go down for breakfast.
but they slept on.
official waking up time was abt 11am.
then we had bak-chor mee for breakfast.
the $3 mee had like 8 meatballs in it!!
it was big meatballs.
i ate 7 n ah tan ate 6.
we wasted 3 meatballs in total.
then after that we went hm.
lol v abrupt ending.
cos i type until v tired liaoz.
yupxx n btw i overslept on the bus on my way hm.
almost missed my stop n kana scolded by the bus driver.
[still v tired]
p.s(ah tan shud b now slping soundly at hm; cold floors make ur body aches)

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

tml got bio test n i'm stil here.
cos i just finish doing slc thing.
busy busy.
come here to lame lame only
going off v soon.
my life v dull.
so there's nthg more i can talk about.
a blog is just useless.
[wish me luck for bio tml]

Thursday, May 18, 2006

life is ever so exciting.
nvr can have enuf of it.
when have i ever become so sarca??
dun blame me.
u'll go cuckoo-heads too
if u r in the same state as me.
my work load is piling,
my studies is in a total mess,
evryting is going so very wrg,
n blah blah blah.


went tm 2day.
with my dardar a.k.a ser
[i her no.1283??]
then got corine, karen,
yanhong, yuquan,
junkwang n
ah tan n shuning hu came later
n afterwhich they isolate themselves.
ate pasta mania.
chicken bolognese(paiseh if i spell wrg ;p)
1st time eat tt.
then is with yanhong.
1st time try the chicken bolognese
n is with yanhong wor.
noe her so long 1st time taste her saliva.
not bad. it was good n cheap
[got student discount]
==>[only thing glad abt being a student]
[the rest just sucks== e.g. studies]

sorry for the very very short interruption
brought to u by ah tow(now in sajc)=>a.k.a love of my love
love her till seas cry, rocks die
[hai ku, shi lan]
^^the above msg is brought to you by our lovely ah tow, talking to her now. *muacks*

back to my boring-routined life,
as i was saying,
my 1st time trying out chicken bolognese was given to yanhong.
be honoured girl.
i'm honoured too!! :)
today is a relatively slack day.
pushing all my hw to the weekends.
oh ya...
something v funny happened at pasta mania today.
i was there with evrybody
then some1 called.
i picked up.
thot it was my pa.
[well at least he sounded lyk my pa]
then he said,"may i speak to huiyuan?"
then i thot my pa how come so polite.
so i said,"pa ar??"
he said,"no. =.= i m Mr.XXX"
[opps, so paiseh can??]
sorry la.
if u're reading tis n u found it not funny
tt's cos u were not at the scene of incident.
com'on. laugh ppl.


i shud stop here.
i wana play gb le.
i m childish.
[young at heart]
[tml got taf+napfa]
wish me luck...
hope i can jump far...
[pray hard]

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

hi peeps!!!
v long nvr post le
cos v bz
life is so bleak in jc
no life at all, in fact
i m near the point of breaking down n
ah tan even suggest that i shud go lesnoc
^[sense my sarcacism]
today is my chem SPA
i screwed up totally.
n to tink some ppl actually told me that it was ez.
well it wld b if i had known wad
the concentration of that damn solution was.
hell to that paper.
i m in lyk deep shit.
knew wad the was conc only at the last five mins!!
not as if printer ink is lyk in high demand
that they wld need to do type it in small prints!!
my hands trembled lyk they had nvr b4.
[imagine how desperate and helpless iwas]
initially evryting was alright
i started weighing n i did rmb to rite my anomalous results
evryting seemed FINE!!
then i overshot the graduation mark
for that dumb standard flask
**[piece of advice ppl:
add distilled water in slowly n in small amts]
i started all over again
but i was stil quick.
i had half an hr left for calculations.
[more than enuf]
until i realise the freaking paper had no conc!!
"to tink some ppl told me it was ez??
my foot!!", i thought at that point of time.
then i start doing w/out the conc
but i cldnt arrive at the ans
i was in total desperation.
evry1 seems to have finish.
but i just cldnt get any ans.
i need the conc of that chemical!!!
but where was it??!
i read the whole paper again n
i read the green 1 too.
but still no conc of that freaking chemical!!
***NOTE:read thoroughly!!
i m telling evry1 tis so that
no 1 will b as dumb as me
to make sucha stupid mistake
eventually i screwed it all up.
[last five min]said Mr...XXX ==>retard
i then realise that the conc was at XXX
in small prints!!!
com'on some kinda joke?
i m in no sport for jokes at that moment.
i was near tears.
hands trembling and
i cldnt even get myself to tink properly
i did the paper at lightning speed.
but then i found out i 4got to scale up!!
[aint it bad enuf to know the conc only at the last 5 min??]
[ n now i 4got to scale up??]
how was i suppose to lyk know where to add it in?
unless i re-do the qns
cos i was rushing for time.
time was definitely not on my side today.
i din manage to complete the paper
even though i know wad the ans was alr.
[kill me]
i m in a foul mood 2day.
act the qns werent difficult.
but if i had known the conc earlier.
if the darn sch had put the conc
in bold prints...
i cld have done better.
[not as if i did do well cos i did not!!]