Wednesday, May 17, 2006

hi peeps!!!
v long nvr post le
cos v bz
life is so bleak in jc
no life at all, in fact
i m near the point of breaking down n
ah tan even suggest that i shud go lesnoc
^[sense my sarcacism]
today is my chem SPA
i screwed up totally.
n to tink some ppl actually told me that it was ez.
well it wld b if i had known wad
the concentration of that damn solution was.
hell to that paper.
i m in lyk deep shit.
knew wad the was conc only at the last five mins!!
not as if printer ink is lyk in high demand
that they wld need to do type it in small prints!!
my hands trembled lyk they had nvr b4.
[imagine how desperate and helpless iwas]
initially evryting was alright
i started weighing n i did rmb to rite my anomalous results
evryting seemed FINE!!
then i overshot the graduation mark
for that dumb standard flask
**[piece of advice ppl:
add distilled water in slowly n in small amts]
i started all over again
but i was stil quick.
i had half an hr left for calculations.
[more than enuf]
until i realise the freaking paper had no conc!!
"to tink some ppl told me it was ez??
my foot!!", i thought at that point of time.
then i start doing w/out the conc
but i cldnt arrive at the ans
i was in total desperation.
evry1 seems to have finish.
but i just cldnt get any ans.
i need the conc of that chemical!!!
but where was it??!
i read the whole paper again n
i read the green 1 too.
but still no conc of that freaking chemical!!
***NOTE:read thoroughly!!
i m telling evry1 tis so that
no 1 will b as dumb as me
to make sucha stupid mistake
eventually i screwed it all up.
[last five min]said Mr...XXX ==>retard
i then realise that the conc was at XXX
in small prints!!!
com'on some kinda joke?
i m in no sport for jokes at that moment.
i was near tears.
hands trembling and
i cldnt even get myself to tink properly
i did the paper at lightning speed.
but then i found out i 4got to scale up!!
[aint it bad enuf to know the conc only at the last 5 min??]
[ n now i 4got to scale up??]
how was i suppose to lyk know where to add it in?
unless i re-do the qns
cos i was rushing for time.
time was definitely not on my side today.
i din manage to complete the paper
even though i know wad the ans was alr.
[kill me]
i m in a foul mood 2day.
act the qns werent difficult.
but if i had known the conc earlier.
if the darn sch had put the conc
in bold prints...
i cld have done better.
[not as if i did do well cos i did not!!]

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