Tuesday, September 12, 2006

can anybody pass me a 'shut-me-up' pill pls?
need it desperately...
need to get a zipper so i wont whine so much.




happy thoughts come my way.
need to brighten up.
just slacking my days away.
so much to do, yet so little time. (derived from "batman-the movie" by poison ivy)
find me a wall so i can smash my head into it,
so i can get a clear mind to work and study.
my mind is totally saturated from wadeva there is from pri sch to sec sch.
out of memory space.


shudnt be needing a 'shut-me-up' pill.
now i need a bigger memory space.
10gb? nah...
i need UNLIMITED memory space.
i need to plug in as many thumbdrives or sd memory cards into my head.


reach sch at 620am today. just to hand in econs essay
saw a shooting star along my way to the busstop.
made a wish.
betting everything on a burning rock.
sch was relatively good today.
got an A for my math summary.
but the colours are just so overwhelming.
my mum said tt it must have been the teacher surrendered while trying to read my summary so he had to give an A.
lol. sorry la.


doing eom now.
actually haben start.
i shud start le la.
bye. =)

Saturday, September 9, 2006

i have SO forgotten abt my morale-o-meter.
morale of the day==>5.00
[over a hundred]

p.s (higher morale over weekends n hols, cos nobody's bugging me.)
the week is gonna end.
but wad have i done.
haben been hearing frm my frens for quite some time.
must have been mugging hard at hm.
watching tv the whole day.==>me
i can tell u all the tv timeslots for almost every channel.
[no joke.]
cant cure it.
sorry mum.
smashing the tv wun cure me i tink.
there must b some tv temptation radio active waves emmiting from the tv constantly cos i cant seem to sit in my room for a sec just to study.
the 'waves' kinda 'pull' me out n i'll b watching tv agn.
will anybody gimme a hard knock on the head??
i mean a reli hard 1.
i tink the mid-yrs gave me a big n hard knock.
but not exactly lasting enuf.
became a mugger only for a short period of time n i reverted back into my old ways aft tt.
lousy me.
cant bring myself to lie, saying mugging is fun.
cos it totally sucks.
regretted my choice in my combi.
shud have chosen an easier 1.
cos like wad archi has to do w biology???
or even chemistry???
i dun even have to noe the chemical formula for cement!
n it will b as if i wld need differentiation when i draft out the blueprint of a landmark.
[laughing my head off]
so not motivated to study.
a lot of news abt ppl jumping off buildings recently.
[erm...ok mayb sometime ago, not exactly so recent]
perhaps i shud follow suit.
i'm entertaining stupid thots agn.
life is still good la hor??
as i'm typing my new entry, i have already wasted almost half an hr of studying time.


off to do my 4th draft of eom.
take care muggers.
drink more water ;D

Sunday, September 3, 2006

at last i manage to start in.
today went swimming w jx, karen n ser.
v long nvr c jx le.
lol. happy bday to me.
1 week past le.
i m 17!
i m old.
3 yrs later n i will hit 20.
then in another 10 yrs i will b 30.
lao le la!
promos r coming.
i wan to start but i duno where to.
too much things tt i wish to do but r eventually left undone.
cos there r so many qns.
no life at all.
owaes blog abt sch.
mayb another happening event is the day when almost the whole class stayed to do the tshirts n we stayed till 12midnight.
then liwen's papa send us hm.
we sat at the back of the lorry.
so happening.
got me, ser, yangzi, liwen n jianrong.
so cool la.
thanks to liwen n her pa!
then on teacher celeb day, we had it in the sch hall due to bad weather.
aft tt we went to tm to watch 'the devil wears prada'
it was a good show.
3.5 stars out of 5.
it's only the ending which is reli abrupt.
nevertheless, stil a good show.
anna hathaway so chio-ed.
!!! love her dress sense.
aft the movie i was v tired so became v ap then went hm lor.
haha. no life.