Wednesday, January 30, 2008

a very random post.
i'm an amateur at makeup.
nevertheless, i'll share whatever i know.


♥ how to get even lip colour?
(best for people with pigmented lips, meaning that your upper and lower lips have different colour)
1. before applying any lipcolour, use your foundation or concealer and apply it on the lip with the darker tone(for me, my upper lip is a darker shade).
2. then apply a layer of lipbalm(to prevent the lipstick from drying your lips)
3. apply your lipcolour(use a lipbrush for even application)
4. to have fuller lips, you can opt to use a lipliner before applying your lipcolour. (i won't really recommend that because i don't like very thick lips---SAUSAGES!!)
5. use a tissue and gently "bite" the tissue(with your lips, not teeth---if you get what i mean). this is to ensure that any excess lipcolour is removed so that those ugly lip wrinkles won't show.
6. lastly, apply a coat of transparent lipgloss to make your lips look perfect. (kissable~) the lipgloss is to enhance your lips and make it shine so that you'll have lips that looks "pouty" yet not thick.

Monday, January 28, 2008

LIFE lesson no.2:
every Man is for himself.
it's either you die or i'll perish.
( 不是你死,就是我亡。)
but i'll make sure you die instead.
*joke of the week*2*
(at workplace---check-in)
a few australians came in to look at perfumes.
(all ladies)
then one of the lady saw a product by body innoventions.
it was a lip plumper and the name of the product was lip explosion.
aussie lady: lip explosion??? does that mean your lips will explode after using it?
(aussie lady giggles to herself)
fyi: lip plumper is to make ur lips look fuller and reduces those ugly lip wrinkles.
conclusion of the day: all australians have a great sense of humour. they're really good at playing with words. *lmao*
i have a question. how to you pronounce "plumper"? (now say it out loud, if it's not convenient then try saying it under your breath) if you say "plump-per", then i would say it's wrong. it's a silent "p". then it'll be "plum-mer". then wouldn't it be the same "plumber", because it's a silent "b"!!??
then some people always pronounce the word "dumber" as "dum-ber". it very unlike trying to pronouce Dumbledore correctly. the "b" in "dumber" is silent!! so you say "dum-mer". (ok, repeat after me, "dum-mer")
ooh~i see you've gotten the hang of it. =)))

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

LIFE lesson no.1:
few people make things happen,
many wait for things to happen,
waiting makes nothing happen.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

politics at work is SUPER interesting!! at least the politics' not on me. gossips are what's keeping me alive and standing(continuously for 9hrs). >.<
but i've come to realise that if one does not win the respect of others. he or she is bound to be the focal of the day!
i meet strange people everyday...
...and the people i meet gets stranger day by day!!
no.1---typical Singaporean trait, recognised: KIASU-iasm.
no.2---second typical trait of Singaporean: KIASEE-iasm.
people complain over many issues but no one ever seems to bother to raise it up to the people at the top. one of the reasons why they choose to be dumb and deaf over certain issues is that KIASEE-iasm is acting upon them. an accidental mistake would cost them their ricebowl.
recently, there's a rule by sent down by the tops that staff are not allowed to rest at public areas because the seats meant for the passengers. but judging upon the SEA OF CHAIRS(i'm using caps to emphasize vast abundance of seats), i see no harm for staff to rest only on ONE SEAT. perhaps because somebody(staff) was caught sleeping at the public area and the unglam-ness definitely does not contribute to the serenity of the environment.
but please la!! if anyone is required to wake up during the wee hours of the night to go to work, i really don't see why we are not allowed to rest at the chairs. afterall there is no private room or staff lounge or pantry for staff to rest during their excess breaktime. so there is no evident reason why we should be disallowed from resting in public areas.
(court adjourned)

Monday, January 21, 2008

*joke of the week*
(at workplace)
a lady enters the shop to browse at the items.
her husband enters.
(aussie family)
husband saw a perfume by BECKHAM.
husband-customer: (says to wife) hmm...perfume by BECKHAM??
husband-customer: (turns to me) *grins* does it smell like a soccerball? (in an aussie slang)
me: *wide eyes*nervous smile* erm??? haha~

Saturday, January 19, 2008

i puke upon the smells that lingers.
it's really terrible to be working at a place that sells perfumes. it was really exciting on the 1st day, being able to be in close contact with the super expensive fragrances that you will never imagine using. after working for nearly 2 weeks, everything around me is totally revolting. i'm currently working at the transit area--central outlet. there are 3 counters and the middle 1 being the smallest counter. the size of the counter didn't really bother me, it was the fact that there were no chairs!! OMG!! *calm down*breathe*
and if that wasn't bad enough, how about having the christian dior POISON series behind you?? i couldn't even breathe. MIDNIGHT POISON---the latest addition to the christian dior POISON series. truly, very intoxicating. the smell was so overwhelming. i was really "poisoned". eek...i need fresh air!!! it was a really bad smell(in my opinion). not everyone can take it because it is really strong. the whole POISON series is very strong!! *insanity conquers*
a new arrival gucci by GUCCI smells really strong as well. aiya...whatever la!! everything in the store smells very harsh. *going nuts*
don't understand why so many people go for chanel no.5===>very strong also. available in Eau de Toilette, Eau de Parfum, Parfum. Parfum being the one with the strongest fragrance.
to mx: i suggest you reconsider about wanting to join us. not worth risking your life to see cute guys.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

i (hearts) my buddy! she's so nice. haha. and she lives in the same district as i am. she lives in the block just across the carpark. haa. coincidence?? not sure. but really glad to know that she's my buddy.
made alot of mistakes today. i damaged 2 of the bags(seal-up)==>(cashiers working at the airport should know what i'm saying)
the bags are numbered and should not be distributed at one's liking. (due to the L.A.G rule)
apologies for the lousy explanation, in short, damaging 1 bag is a great deal. i have yet to open my own counter yet. i was tagging along with my buddy. so her counter was my counter too(in a way). but everything was in her name, so were the 2 damaged bags. whoops~
haha. she was kind and told me that it didn't matter. she said i was improving. O.o
because at least i'm making mistakes now, so with every mistake made, is one lesson learned.
so touched by her nice-ness. *tears*


to mx: so come join me la!!! got very exciting not???


because i have yet to open my own counter due to the lack of airport cashiering know-how, my work was very easy. i just had to do the packing and try to pick up as my buddy do the transactions. i love those times when there are no customers around, you'll start seeing the sale staff flocking to the mascara testers and touch up their makeup. i do that too. lol. >.<


to mx: (i got dedication for you leh!!! got touched not??)
another reason why you should join get to see cute guys from all over the world!! even though those really cute ones are really rare. but i manage to see 1 today!!! haa. on my 2nd day of work only. me legs were tired but me eyes had an influx of candy. >.< (from thailand) he came to our(buddy and me) counter to make payment! *faints* his cute-ness was so suffocating. wee~(took my breath away)===> lol i getting abit overboard.
anyway you'll get to see all sorts of people. met quite a few nasty customers today but it's inevitable. either they were rushing to catch a flight or they had just touched down from a very long and tiring flight. somebody even swore at our counter because he didn't have a good night on board.(he wasn't swearing at us but at the flight, he mumbled. and i heard it. *wide eyes*)


the only bane of this job is that working days are not fixed and you have to stand 8hours throughout(working hrs: 9 minus 1lunch hour).
anybody can recommend me cheap and good and long-lasting heel pads???

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

as i journey upon another phase of my life, the burden on my back becomes heavier. last Sunday, i went to the Australian universities seminar with chin tow and shuning. shuning awed at our determination in the pursuit for our passion. chintow loves music, but in this practical society. she has decided to take up dentistry instead.
nothing much to be amazed about for knowing your own directions and setting goals at our age. there are many people around me that are unsure of the path they would wish to take. and if asked "what course will i pick up in university", i will not hesitate to say architecture. this is my interest, it is passion.
however i do understand that interest and passion alone will not allow me to go far. but talent will. i doubt my talents but my passion shall never waver. i will take up a double degree (if possible). i will major in both architecture(coursework) and landscape architecture. it is still in the construction industry so my double degree will not offer me diversified job opportunities when i step out into the society.
Adelaide university(in Australia) offers a double degree for bachelor of design studies and bachelor of law together. but i will not press myself in my 1st year. i have big plans. and i hope to realise my big plans in the local university. if i am made to discontinue my studies locally, i will travel overseas.
if i were to go Adelaide, i will major both architecture(coursework) and landscape architecture in my 3rd year. i will then do my masters for both architecture(coursework) and landscape architecture. the school fees will be high. but the returns thereafter are even higher.
there are alot of "if(s)" in my big plan. i have to do so. because in order to fulfil my big plans, i have to have alternatives. only then will i have a foolproof plan.
my plan is big and it is foolproof.
today's my 1st day at work. days of rotting at home are over. days of rotting at work starts. horrid experience at the airport transit area. =.=
i was attached to a rude, impolite and unreasonable cashier(who is of course more senior than me). she was rude to the customers and she wasn't very helpful when it comes to having to teach me cashiering skills. so much for the Changi experience. =.=
she would shout at things that she think is not right but do not explain why is it not right to do so. her sudden burst of cry shocked the customers and me. the customers frowned. i frowned.
my legs were going to give way and my feet were sinking into my shoes. it hurts so bad, i had to excuse myself occasionally, so i can limp to the toilet and remove my shoes so that my feet could breathe. money sure don't come easy. *nervous laughs*
thank God, the horrid cashier is not my buddy. she's a temporary 1. her reluctance in teaching me cashiering skills was partly because i wasn't her responsibility. i'm working at 6am tomorrow. my "company taxi" will come at 5plus and the uncle will call at 4.30am to ask me for the exact pick-up location. so that means i will have to wake up at 4am.
good night. =)
*jiayous to me!!*aja aja*

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

after the long wait, i can finally start work. it'll only be an orientation tomorrow, will not be getting paid for it. nevertheless, i'm still glad i found a decent job with a decent pay. so at least i'll be having an income.
ahtan just spent $180 on her clothes and every other thing she has bought for work. we won't be having any uniform so digging from our own pockets to buy suitable clothes is a must.
*hole in the wallet*
we're working at the airport selling cosmetics so light makeup is a need. my mother's makeup doesn't suit my skin colour so i had to buy my own makeup products.

Gosh~cosmetics is like one of the best industries to be in, i suppose.
so expensive. T.T
spent nearly $60 on a foundation, bronzer and concealer.
i haven't even bought clothes and shoes yet. not forgetting makeup removal and toner.
found long office-wear pants selling cheap at some neighbourhood shop in kallang.
$18 per pair. bought 2.
i'm so in love with my foundation. i've been trying to find mineral-based foundations online but they were expensive and from USA. so it'll take some time before it reaches Singapore. today i found LOREAL selling the mineral foundation! *yay-ness* $27.90

+++: it's really great! the minerals in the foundation is all-natural. it feels really light on the skin, does not cake like usual liquid foundations. it's a reli fine powder. it adds glow to your skin and it feels so comfortable. when wearing it, it will not make your skin look patchy. =) (hearts)

bought a bronzer as well. to ladies with darker or tanned skin tones. i would recommend you to use bronzer instead of a blush. looks strange on tanned skins. it can also be used as an eyeshadow highlight. really worth the money. =) great value, good product. (didn't take a picture of it though. hp camera couldn't capture the colour well. it's a Korean brand)

hello concealer!! byebye darkrings. *grins*
bought a LOREAL concealer as well. it was on 20% discount. $14.90

+: the concealer just melts into my skin. blends into my skin really well and at the same time covers all those ugly darkrings. it does not leave a sticky feeling after application. really smooth and light on the skin.
-: there's this faint medicinal smell when applied to the skin. fades off after awhile. =)

*quick one*

i've watched "National Treasure--Book of Secrets".
i love the plot.
love clever movies. (Saw series are really clever *grins*)
the treasure was very much alike the one in movie1.
a city of gold.
perhaps they can consider using a city of platinum in their next movie.
would have worth far more than a city of gold of the equivalent size.
by the way, they used ACTUAL history.
they made a fictional movie out of non-fiction.
so clever!! *grins again*