Thursday, May 15, 2008

(cleaning the cobwebs that had housed themselves on my blog during the past 1mth and 1 day)


recently alot of my colleagues have been asking when will i b leaving. i'm not too sure myself. my only concern is i still got 1 unclaimed ph(public holiday). and i wonder how the company is gonna pay me???!!
if the company pays me 2times the pay, i'll leave end of tis mth. LOL. *MONEH!!*(i love tis word. haha)
if the company pays 1.5times then i might just work 1 more week into june.


(in the midst of consideration)
but then again the crowd in june is crazy. cos that's one of the airport's peak season(the other 1 is during dec).


i asked my supervisor abt my unclaimed ph n asked how the company was gonna pay me. then i say i might be resigning end of tis mth. i reckoned that i shud stay at home n get my body into proper condition cos tis job has made me reli sickly. (of cos during the mth of june, i'll b opening alot of plushies sprees which i will then be selling them off online!!! *MONEH* lol. i love tis word.)
(conversation btwn me n my very cute sup)

me: eh will the company pay me for the ph if i tender end of tis mth?

regina(bz at work suddenly turns around): erm will pay u 2times ba, definitely not 3times. HUH??! u wana resign ar? don't tender hor, i won't accept. aiya work til end of june la.(giving me her sweetest smile)

me: (giving my honey-coated rock sugar smile---very sweet n firm) huh...but i very tired la.


tis job reli very tiring sia. but over tis period i reli met some close friends. they played a very motherly role and gave me advice. reli wana thank them from my heart.
one of them asked when i was leaving...i said mayb end of this mth cos very tired. but regina was hoping that i wld work till end june.
she told me, "you shud have time for yourself, to rejuvenate. don't bother abt the obligations that u might have towards regina. you'll need time for yourself."
my obligatons towards regina was that she has been very kind to me, even though there were a few times when she don't grant e a full day off. but she lets me have half a day off even if i only gave her 1hr notice. (THANK YOU REGINA!! *HUGGS*)


maybe 1 of the reasons why everybody in this company is kind to me is becos i'm not working long. everybody is kind other than the bee-yotch who said tt i went to the toilet to chitchat when i reli went there to pangsai. stil haben caught the culprit(it was somebody from teamB, nvr reli liked tt team anyway.not all, selective) if i ever finds out hu the person was,i'll let her eat my sai!!!(that day de sai)---proof that i DID go pangsai. angry sia~!


conclusion: i tink i'll work to mid june. or mayb just 1 week into june. aiya!!! i duno la!! mayb quit end of tis mth. heck man! today's if my off day. i dun wan bother so much abt work.

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