Saturday, February 28, 2009

dinner last night at currie hall was bad...
so ethel and i went to city, met up with ginny, to shop for groceries.
paid a total of $14.80 for pasta sauce, mozzarella, bacon and fresh button mushrooms.
we wanted to cook pasta initially but we didn't manage to get the fusilli from daniel.
so we had instant noodles, add egg!!! tom yam flavoured~ yums...

our yummilicious dinner, served at 10pm. =.=

we bought bacon, fresh button mushrooms and stirfry them all in the rice-cooker.

then we added mozzarella into the pot. OMG...(though it doesn't look very convincing, it tasted out-of-world!!)
almost everyone in the hall was saying our food smells really good when they pass by the stairways. =D

eating to our hearts' content!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

23feb 2009

it's official!! i'm starting school today. =))
guess what??!! what shown above is actually my homework!! don't envy me guys cause this is the 1st time i'm ensembling these as well.
actually i'm suppose to incorporate the tank and the car together and make something abstract but at the same time retain the physical shape and outlooks of a car or tank. =.= headache~
i have to submit 4 drawings of my design on this coming thursday as well. O.o


20feb - 22feb 2009

went to spend the weekend at my 姑姑's house. i made soonkuehs and mango pudding!! yay~
uncleTAN(nicholas) love it!! everyone said it was very good. >.<

it was 姑丈's birthday so we went to eat at a thai restaurant.

cake-cutting time!!!
19feb 2009

hall events(+bbq) by matilda bay.

matilda bay~

face painting before we set off.
nicholas, ginny, me, ethel, qiyan.

currie hall mascot. O.o

jason, nicholasTAN(aka uncleTAN), ginny

ethel and me.
my face painting damn scary. the currie hall principle's son was so afraid of me. =.=
jonathan and me



If you enjoyed your high school years, you'll do it.
If you have nothing else to do, you'll do it.
If you're here to read the questions/answers and pretend to hate to do it, deep down you'll still do it.
This tag is so fun because the answers can go on and on.
Read if you miss your high school years.

Bio Data

1) Which school did you go to?
Anglican High School

2) What classes were you in?
1E, 2E, 3B, 4B

3) What was/were your favourite lesson(s)?
Literature?? cause that's the only lesson i can fall asleep brazenly. >.<

4) If you could remember, what time was your recess?
time?? everytime is recess!! woohoo~

5) List down your favourite food/snacks.
i like the chicken rice!! and the gongbaojiding at the caifan stall!!


1) Did you have a nickname way back in high school?
hmm...i'm not sure.

2) How did you wear your socks?
i used to wear socks 3fingers above the ankle(according to guides/school rules) then as i get older, my socks became shorter.

3) Have you been suspended due to the way you put on your uniform? is good student.

4) Were you given plenty of reminders about your appearance?
not really. only got told off once about hair length. but my hair is short la. =.=

5) Who did you look up to when you were in high school?
i don't remember. or maybe i never did thought about that.


1) Name one memorable scene where you were punished in front of the whole class.
i was always a goodie-two shoe. (ok...maybe one shoe. playing bridge in class then cards kana confiscated don't really count right??!!)

2) How many times did you skip class? What were you doing?

3) Give one scene where you escaped from being caught/punished.
i told ya i was a goodie-one shoe liao!!!

4) Did you vandalize any school property?
i vandalize my table. wrote "assholes" all over it. =))

5) Did you ever make any teacher cry?
hmm...miss chey?? but the whole class made her cry. not just myself.

1) Who was your favourite teacher?
mr chan!! damn cute de ahpek!!! haha.

2) Describe your DM.
she's nice when you're in her class. =)) patience is the word...

3) Who was the funniest/weirdest/loudest teacher?
ms zarinah. she shrieks.

Social Circle

1) Were you popular back then?
no la.

2) Were you in a big group of boys/girls or small ones?
i got alot of cliques of eight. =))

3) Who were your best friends?
Susanna, ShuNing, JiaXian, Ahtan and MeiXin came in durin JC.

4) Did you and your friends have nicknames?
i don't remember.

5) What were your favourite memories of you and your friends?
i have to think. i got very severe stm. LOL.

Co-curricular Activities

1) What type of CCA were you in?
Girl Guides. (once a guide, always a guide)

2) What did you have to bring to your CCA?
Guides' uniform.

3) What did your CCA require you to do?
if we ask you to walk, you run. if we ask you to run, you fly!!
guides taught me how to fly..LOL.

4) Got injured?
when we "flying", we tend to fall. so ya...the leg kana alot of injuries.

1) Who was your first crush?
i don't have yeh...

2) Are you in good terms with your last crush?
already say no crush liao.

3) Did you ever have a relationship with anyone in your high school?

4) Have you ever made out in school?
no la!! nobody to make out with me.

Closing Ceremony

1) How did high school changed you?
i'm a hot-blooded chinese speaker.

2) Sing one verse of your school song.
i forgot. O.o

3) What was your favourite question?
when's recess???

4) Who/what will you remember from your high school?
climbing the chang cheng. our hallelujah days. the days when i was still very smart. haha.

5) Any memories you will not forget.
those "bloody hell" and "i'm not a weakling!!" days with mr.tong. the ever-so-memorable days with guides and my bffs. =))

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

17 feb 2009

thanks to milk and jennifier for bringing us around. went to northbridge(aka chinatown). doesn't look anything like chinatown but that's where i had my dim sum the other day with my aunt. we found timezone at chinatown!!! somehow i felt close to home. haha. the arcade was very rundown and the games available was very minimal. there were neoprint machines which cost $3.50!! woohoo~~ back then i use to pay $10-$15 for neoprints. but the quality of this neoprint was rather lousy(as you can see.)

p.s(milk is my architecture friend, thailand girl. actual name is wipada but we just call her milk. she's doing year1 as well but has been living here for 3years already. that's so hardcore!! jennifer is milk's friend back in high school. the 2 of them brought us around. i'm looking for a printer. cheap deals anyone??)

top: jason(daniel's jason)
mid(from left): ginny, me(aka H.Y.)
bottom: daniel

ginny and me.

there's gelare in aussie!! 50% off for the waffle on tuesday!! shared a large waffle topped with cappuccino ice cream with ginny.
played poker, pool and basketball later in the night. =))


18 feb 2009

went to harbour town (again) with ethel, ginny, nicholasTAN(with his lomography) and paul. i bought my sports shoes!! at $70. U.P $120. a definite bargain for a pair of adidas running shoes. i reckoned that i would need to jog on a irregular basis to maintain my current weight. (jogging on a regular basis would result in me slimming down but being very shag. i don't want to be very shag.)

parts of perth city. on our way to harbour town.

movie at ginny's place tonight!! the curious case of benjamin buttons.

tomorrow we are having dragon boating!! yay~!! 2nd fav sport to kayaking!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

15 feb 2009

my 1st busride in Perth.

went to this Chinese restaurant for dimsum with my aunt and cousins. Geez...i think i missed chinese food quite a lot. tasted really heartwarming and good! chef is a HongKonger.

good food always attracts the crowd.

train station. (some what like our mrt)

there's this very good mime that we came across while in the city. he stands there motionless before his box until someone drops money into it.

i put in a dollar and he started offering his hand for a handshake. he was actually posing for the camera but i was attempting to take a video so the front part of the video looks very stone.

this is a handphone!! cost $600++. super cool. O.o imagine bringing a ferrari around and picking up the "phone" when it starts making honking noises(or whatever your ringtone may be.)
there's a camera on the windscreen!

teatime at Miss Maud. serves really good swedish desserts, pastries and beverages. i had an ice mocha which was very much to my liking. not too sweet or overwhelmingly chocolatey.
p.s(i had to put that heart there to cover up the folds of tummy. see ahtan!!! where got slim down lor. =.=)

there was a welcome dinner back at Currie Hall for all the students. so i came back for that.

this is the entree...sushi! there was suppose to be wasabi below the salmon but it didn't taste like it. as in it wasn't hot nor spicy nor choking. just taste like salmon sushi with NO wasabi. aussies really can't take the spice. the chilli served at the chinese restaurant was mildly hot only, actually (in my opinion) it wasn't even spicy, i finished 2 dishes of chilli! overall still good though. =D

the entree for vegetarians...avocado.

i forgot to take a picture of the main course. it was quite average. i finished my 2nd cup of red wine when i was in the middle of my main course. then i downed another cup of white wine. the white wine was nice. a tinge of sweetness to it. altogether i had like 3 cups of wine.
but i was nowhere close to K.O. yet. felt the heat in my face though.

dessert...banana moouse on chocolate sponge cake with coffee sweet sauce.
with that...i end my day. =))

Friday, February 13, 2009

complete my enrolment today and got my student card almost immediately.
i look like a dimwit.

as promised...i show you the pictures of the campus.

this is where the graduation ceremony is held. it looks a lot nicer in life.

ancient tree in school. it is branching out so wide that i can't capture the whole tree on my camera. (my camera got wide-angle lor!)

Winthrop Hall. (where enrolment was held)

(taken using sunset mode, hence explains the yellow-ness)