Wednesday, February 11, 2009

after a day of NO internet access. i finally got a LAN cable(which i obviously did not bring). thanks to my friend for lending it to me. no time for uploading pictures or posting super long, individual thankyou notes, cause my friend is waiting to get back his cable. haha.


thank you all for sending me off. (i cant emphasize this enough).


food is quite terrible. (i could have sworn that i'm a better cook.) LOL. but the non-spicy beef rendang was good!!!


2nd day here and it was hectic. =.=
just came back from a coffee session with the seniors and some of the other faculty people. super rowdy. it was fun to get to know so many people. different lifestyle.but somehow i'm adapting to the change pretty well. =D


got to go. it's 12am here. bb =)) will try to blog again tml.

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