Tuesday, May 12, 2009

spent an eventful day with tracy yesterday.
though the thought about workload piling up kept surfacing at the back of my mind (which irritated me quite a bit), the entire day was just shopping, eating and more shopping!!
apparently we didn't buy alot but ahma(aka tracy) spent a quart of her money already. >.<
had dimsum for lunch.(i have had dimsum for lunch for quite a few times already. won't ever get sick of it. com'on...any food is better than hall food.)
shopping with ahma in the afternoon.
dinner at a rather budget japanese place called, "TAKA".
many thanks to ahma's er-jie for sending me back to the hall. =))


this is a very dry and wordy post. so i kept it rather short. no pictures. lugged a camera with me the entire day but didnt use it. pictures found in tracy's blog. =)))

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