this post is dedicated to all noobies (including me)... =))
(shuning said this is good blogging material and at the same time, i can clear up some questions marks that had been lingering eversince)
i'm sure everyone has seen this abbreviation at least once, regardless in emails or texts.
but do you know what it means??
well...i sure didn't. until this "R.S.V.P" keeps appearing so many times in my emails that it was starting to bug me.
so off i went to search it in the ever-so-trusty google!! =DD
see what i found!!
(taken from
What RSVP Means
The term R.S.V.P. comes from the French expression "répondez s'il vous plaît", meaning "please respond". If R.S.V.P. is written on an invitation it means the invited guest must tell the host whether or not they plan to attend the party. It does not mean to respond only if you're coming, and it does not mean respond only if you're not coming (the expression "regrets only" is reserved for that instance). It means the host needs a definite head count for the planned event, and needs it by the date specified on the invitation.
so TADAH~~!!!
here you have it. it simply means "please respond".
ok...(takes a deep breath)
so if RSVP means "please respond" then why not just put "please respond" when the sender requires somebody to reply???
i put "pls reply" in my texts though it doesn't mean that my sendees will reply. (calling out to tanahtan, you know who you are.)
so if the 2 simple words ===> "please reply" is NOT going to get people to respond then what makes you (whoever started the RSVP thing) think that by putting in RSVP will ensure you a quick response?? doesn't make sense to me.
because afterall, i'm one of those who doesn't understand what RSVP was in the first place. no replies guaranteed for RSVP.
i'm a dictator of simplicity so "please reply/respond" will do fine for me. thank you very much~
Monday, December 29, 2008
at last i managed to do my health-checkup. have to do it so that my visa application can be processed.
i was super suay. reached the place only to realise i forgot to bring my passport along. so smart right??!!
luckily my dad had an afternoon appointment with his doctor at mt. eliz so he brought forward his appointment and sent over my passport for me. =DD phew~
first stop was at Cairnhill place for Xray examination.
gosh...the waiting time was relatively short, though the examination was even shorter. =.=
the thing that i still couldn't get over was the fact that the changing room is right beside the waiting area!!!
(thank you lor... =.=)
as if that is not bad enough, the Xray-robe that the examiner gave me was white and translucent. =.=
it must have been washed, cleaned, bleached and sterilised so much so that the cloth was thinning and nearly translucent.
the lady expects me to change into that with ZERO undergarments beneath it and walk past the waiting area into the Xray room, parading my semi-naked body (not a pretty sight) which was under a what-seems-like-a-nearly-translucent piece of rag. (woah~ sure man. =.=)
found a thicker piece of (another) blue rag. (at least it's thicker and non-translucent) so i wore that as well.
(i had thicker wear when i had my day surgery at TanTockSeng lor.)
went into the Xray room and the lady started grumbling that i wasn't listening to her instructions.
i offered to remove the blue robe, didn't i??!!
at least i would feel more comfortable being semi-naked in an enclosed area, with NO people around (other than me and that dumbdumb lady).
well...she said that i don't have to remove then she started preaching me about how the thickness of the robes is going to affect the Xray scan.
i said i'll remove the blue robe right??!! then she was the one who said just leave it on. (sucker~)
eventually the Xray scan was done and i proceed to Paragon for my healthcheck, which is inclusive of a urine test, measuring the height+weight (sianz~), doing an eyetest (yipee~ perfect eyesight. haa.), taking my blood pressure and lastly checking my heartbeat.
good thing i drank loads of water in the morning, so the pee i had was presentable. LOL.
good thing it didn't look anything like chrysanthemum tea or even worse, lemon tea. haha.
i was super suay. reached the place only to realise i forgot to bring my passport along. so smart right??!!
luckily my dad had an afternoon appointment with his doctor at mt. eliz so he brought forward his appointment and sent over my passport for me. =DD phew~
first stop was at Cairnhill place for Xray examination.
gosh...the waiting time was relatively short, though the examination was even shorter. =.=
the thing that i still couldn't get over was the fact that the changing room is right beside the waiting area!!!
(thank you lor... =.=)
as if that is not bad enough, the Xray-robe that the examiner gave me was white and translucent. =.=
it must have been washed, cleaned, bleached and sterilised so much so that the cloth was thinning and nearly translucent.
the lady expects me to change into that with ZERO undergarments beneath it and walk past the waiting area into the Xray room, parading my semi-naked body (not a pretty sight) which was under a what-seems-like-a-nearly-translucent piece of rag. (woah~ sure man. =.=)
found a thicker piece of (another) blue rag. (at least it's thicker and non-translucent) so i wore that as well.
(i had thicker wear when i had my day surgery at TanTockSeng lor.)
went into the Xray room and the lady started grumbling that i wasn't listening to her instructions.
i offered to remove the blue robe, didn't i??!!
at least i would feel more comfortable being semi-naked in an enclosed area, with NO people around (other than me and that dumbdumb lady).
well...she said that i don't have to remove then she started preaching me about how the thickness of the robes is going to affect the Xray scan.
i said i'll remove the blue robe right??!! then she was the one who said just leave it on. (sucker~)
eventually the Xray scan was done and i proceed to Paragon for my healthcheck, which is inclusive of a urine test, measuring the height+weight (sianz~), doing an eyetest (yipee~ perfect eyesight. haa.), taking my blood pressure and lastly checking my heartbeat.
good thing i drank loads of water in the morning, so the pee i had was presentable. LOL.
good thing it didn't look anything like chrysanthemum tea or even worse, lemon tea. haha.
after various failed attempts of taking photos, i manage to take a decent one.
(see below)
edward(eddie) and me.
my cheeks still look way too chubby. =.=
oh yea...i haven't introduce him yet.
he's my cousin. =)) they've flown back from Australia. has been a year since i last saw them.
he deliberately half-squat while taking the photo cause i said he was too tall.
(anybody who's taller than me is TOO TALL) haa.
this kid has grown hair!!! (on his head, previously he was bald)
pillow fight~!!!
come get me!! *gigglesgiggles*
why you, little brat!! RRrAAhhHH~!!!
this is WAR!!!
hey!! i said NO LEGS right??!!
he kicked me. =.=
missed them so much. there's victor who's not here yet, coming on 15jan.
heard that he's taller than my brother(172cm). O.o
(somehow my face looked a lot smaller+slimmer here. MUAHAHA..)
Friday, December 26, 2008
my 4th and 2nd last day in Vietnam.
leaving for Singapore the following day.
who was the smart alec that said Vietnam stuff was SUPER cheap??!!
i have yet to locate my perfect bag and i have ZERO zhan li ping. (not inclusive of the things that i bought for everyone and the slippers that i bought today)
the slippers was non-existent. is a NEED, not a WANT.
nothing i saw was to my liking. those that i do like was priced way too high(over-budget).
(should have bought the monogram bag i saw when i was in Malaysia. *pouts*)
traffic here is CRAZEE...
very pek chek now. (i don't have my bag, nor have i striked anything off my shopping list.)
*upset* T_T
cya back in Singapore. =))
leaving for Singapore the following day.
who was the smart alec that said Vietnam stuff was SUPER cheap??!!
i have yet to locate my perfect bag and i have ZERO zhan li ping. (not inclusive of the things that i bought for everyone and the slippers that i bought today)
the slippers was non-existent. is a NEED, not a WANT.
nothing i saw was to my liking. those that i do like was priced way too high(over-budget).
(should have bought the monogram bag i saw when i was in Malaysia. *pouts*)
traffic here is CRAZEE...
very pek chek now. (i don't have my bag, nor have i striked anything off my shopping list.)
*upset* T_T
cya back in Singapore. =))
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
back from genting+KL.
i've taken ZERO photos.
no worries...jx took alot so i'll patiently wait for her to send me her photos. =DD
like i always say, "Since the pics that i'm going to take, jx also will take then those that i'm not going to take, jx also will take, so i bring my camera for wad??!!"
i've taken ZERO photos.
no worries...jx took alot so i'll patiently wait for her to send me her photos. =DD
like i always say, "Since the pics that i'm going to take, jx also will take then those that i'm not going to take, jx also will take, so i bring my camera for wad??!!"
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
my work ends today(officially).
sad to be leaving because everybody has been so great. =))
i think all people are kind to temps(even mx agrees). lol~
i thank my boss for the lunch today and it really has been great working with everybody.
will miss all of ya even though i had been there only been there for one month.
(no pictures...i'm camera-shy) >.<
p.s(for those who wants to use my pictures in the previous post, please at least credit them back to my blog. thanks~ XD)
sad to be leaving because everybody has been so great. =))
i think all people are kind to temps(even mx agrees). lol~
i thank my boss for the lunch today and it really has been great working with everybody.
will miss all of ya even though i had been there only been there for one month.
(no pictures...i'm camera-shy) >.<
p.s(for those who wants to use my pictures in the previous post, please at least credit them back to my blog. thanks~ XD)
with regards to shuning's post about God's intentional ways of directing us onto the right paths, i had my doubts at first then i thought He has helped me made the right decision.
afraid as i may be, i am glad i'm pursuing the course that i had been longing for.
it was only human to cry when upset and laugh when happy. i was rejected during that time so it was only natural to cry. now that i'm looking back at the past...(ask if i have any regrets?)
well...i say, "NEVER!!"
if there are any regrets, it will be 5years later from this day, that when i graduate, some school will be weeping over the fact that they had lost a potential(+excellent) architect-to-be.
to all those who did not make it into your initial school of choice, let this be your motivation to work (not just hard but...) harder.
my aunt said it was a blessing in disguise.
initially i fail to see why. i was unable to study the course that i want in a local school and that i'll have to leave home, my family and my friends. i thank all who has given me such great support and my family for giving me the financial support(without them, this will never be possible).
i shall now reveal my portfolio!!!
Chiang~! Chiang~!!
Project Butterfly
Introduction: Butterfly drawn onto a black and white grid paper.
The aim of this sketch is that i strongly believe that for every structure and being, it is built upon a skeletal form. Akin to the architectures, a solid foundation is required for a lasting structure. Hence, this is represented by the black grids of the butterfly. The contours of the butterfly is drawn on the blacks squares using chalk, it is like the X-ray film that penetrates deep into the basis of which the butterfly is constructed upon.
The coloured parts on the white squares which are the completed butterfly structure, together with the colours on the wings and vivid body shape, are representative of the eventual completed structure of a building.
I chose to draw a butterfly due to its display of beauty through the wings and the vibrancy of its colours, which I believe is very important when it comes to building of structures. It will have to be appealing to the eye.
i took a picture of this and i was wondering what i could do to it and i turned what looks like this to...


Project Clothes Peg
Introduction: A black and white photo of randomly arranged clothes pegs is pasted in the center of a paper and the rest of the clothes pegs, which are outside of the photo, are hand-drawn onto the paper.
In this piece of artwork, I would like to once again portray the fundamentals of all things. The centralization of the photo represents that all things evolve from a single point. However, the focal point of the picture is evenly distributed. Each clothes peg has equal importance. This applies to everything that we do, each detail is as important as any others and missing out one small detail may seem insignificant to one's eye but may lead to a different picture.
The randomly arranged clothes pegs means that for every deformation and disorganization contributes to creativity as this arises to something different.
In addition, I would like to show that creativity should not be limited within the photo itself but expanded beyond the picture. Thus I have hand-drawn the rest of the clothes pegs which are outside of the photo---imagination outside the box.
i needed a third project but my brain juices were all squished dry. so i drew this... O.o
not very please with myself but still acceptable.

Project Flower
Introduction: Sketch of a longitudinal section of a flower.
With regards to the photos of the flowers I have taken, I would like to show the basic structure of the flower through my sketch as seen above. It is unlike the usual flower that we see because other than the flamboyancy of the petals, we also see the inside of the flower. Beneath the petals, there is the complexity which has been masked by the overlook of the flower. This further enhances my point on the importance of foundation. The seeds which produce this yield may seem insignificant but will eventually determine the quality of the product. I believe that this also true when it comes to architectures, the foundation will have to be sturdy.
Also, there are several buildings which derives its structure and appearance from nature. One of which is the esplanade in Singapore has the appearance of a durian---a tropical fruit. The Crowne Plaza Hotel, which had just been completed in 2008, has a white petal-like designed metal piece draped over the building itself.
afraid as i may be, i am glad i'm pursuing the course that i had been longing for.
it was only human to cry when upset and laugh when happy. i was rejected during that time so it was only natural to cry. now that i'm looking back at the past...(ask if i have any regrets?)
well...i say, "NEVER!!"
if there are any regrets, it will be 5years later from this day, that when i graduate, some school will be weeping over the fact that they had lost a potential(+excellent) architect-to-be.
to all those who did not make it into your initial school of choice, let this be your motivation to work (not just hard but...) harder.
my aunt said it was a blessing in disguise.
initially i fail to see why. i was unable to study the course that i want in a local school and that i'll have to leave home, my family and my friends. i thank all who has given me such great support and my family for giving me the financial support(without them, this will never be possible).
i shall now reveal my portfolio!!!
Chiang~! Chiang~!!
Project Butterfly
Introduction: Butterfly drawn onto a black and white grid paper.
The aim of this sketch is that i strongly believe that for every structure and being, it is built upon a skeletal form. Akin to the architectures, a solid foundation is required for a lasting structure. Hence, this is represented by the black grids of the butterfly. The contours of the butterfly is drawn on the blacks squares using chalk, it is like the X-ray film that penetrates deep into the basis of which the butterfly is constructed upon.
The coloured parts on the white squares which are the completed butterfly structure, together with the colours on the wings and vivid body shape, are representative of the eventual completed structure of a building.
I chose to draw a butterfly due to its display of beauty through the wings and the vibrancy of its colours, which I believe is very important when it comes to building of structures. It will have to be appealing to the eye.
i took a picture of this and i was wondering what i could do to it and i turned what looks like this to...
Project Clothes Peg
Introduction: A black and white photo of randomly arranged clothes pegs is pasted in the center of a paper and the rest of the clothes pegs, which are outside of the photo, are hand-drawn onto the paper.
In this piece of artwork, I would like to once again portray the fundamentals of all things. The centralization of the photo represents that all things evolve from a single point. However, the focal point of the picture is evenly distributed. Each clothes peg has equal importance. This applies to everything that we do, each detail is as important as any others and missing out one small detail may seem insignificant to one's eye but may lead to a different picture.
The randomly arranged clothes pegs means that for every deformation and disorganization contributes to creativity as this arises to something different.
In addition, I would like to show that creativity should not be limited within the photo itself but expanded beyond the picture. Thus I have hand-drawn the rest of the clothes pegs which are outside of the photo---imagination outside the box.
i needed a third project but my brain juices were all squished dry. so i drew this... O.o
not very please with myself but still acceptable.
Project Flower
Introduction: Sketch of a longitudinal section of a flower.
With regards to the photos of the flowers I have taken, I would like to show the basic structure of the flower through my sketch as seen above. It is unlike the usual flower that we see because other than the flamboyancy of the petals, we also see the inside of the flower. Beneath the petals, there is the complexity which has been masked by the overlook of the flower. This further enhances my point on the importance of foundation. The seeds which produce this yield may seem insignificant but will eventually determine the quality of the product. I believe that this also true when it comes to architectures, the foundation will have to be sturdy.
Also, there are several buildings which derives its structure and appearance from nature. One of which is the esplanade in Singapore has the appearance of a durian---a tropical fruit. The Crowne Plaza Hotel, which had just been completed in 2008, has a white petal-like designed metal piece draped over the building itself.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
(to beloved natpork)
the darling put on makeup.
but somehow we all seem to agree she looked better with zero makeup. too good complexion le!!!
haven't seen the girls for ages(esp xue).
i thought a single dose of kbox for me was more than enough but that night proved me wrong. haha.
thanks girls for the messed up room. LOL~
once again,
yours lovingly,
Saturday, November 22, 2008
what i usually do at work...
however on...thursday...
i landed my hands upon a typewriter!!
(talk about going retro!!!)
Lol. i'm way ahead of trend, man~!!
my first time using something so ancient, so antique.
quote from my colleague, "so dinosaur~"
sidetrack: i've received over 20 emails from people who are going to UWA, to the same hall as i am!! yeah~i was worrying i may not have friends. T_T
everybody is super enthu. somebody may be organising a bbq for all!! *whoopie~*
Saturday, November 15, 2008
tagged by sn. super funny when i read what sn wrote. haha~
1) Name somebody whose name started with E, L or Z:
2) Your relationship with him/her is:
Friend n sch mate ba.
3) Your five impressions of him/her:
-super noisy
-very stick to sn
-very obsessed with "ping guo".
-loves himself extensively
-is a faithful follower of God
4) The most memorable thing that he/she had done for you:
huh...erm...he "par kart" with shiqi and loosen the top of the chilli flakes causing my initially horrifying baked rice to become eventually inedible. (i bear grudges. haa.)
5) The most memorable thing that he/she had said to you:
he talks a lot. which are are you referring to? (not that i ever listens attentively, doubt anybody does. >.<)
6) If he/she becomes your lover, you will:
7) If he/she becomes your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be:
8) If he/she becomes your enemy, you will:
i'll wait for that day to come then answer this qn.
9) If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be:
excessively obsessed by his own beauty. he strongly believes he'll become super shuai when he's in the army.
10) The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is:
(taken from sn's blog) WTH! nothing leh.
11) Your overall impression of him/her is:
(again..adapted from sn's blog. taken and changed slightly) a wolf beneath a kind soul's cover
12) How you think people around you will feel about you?
i'm very talkative with a lousy sense of humour, only mx appreciates. i'm her entertainer. *beams with pride*
13) The characteristics you love of yourself are:
the list for characteristics i hate of myself will be shorter. X))
14) On the contrary, the characteristics you hate of yourself are:
is being FAT a characteristic? eh..if not, then i hate myself for crying so much when i faced with a problem. (like the j1 times)
15) The most ideal person you want to be is:
myself. but at times i really want to switch souls with others and look at myself from other people's point of view. (looking into the mirror is no fun. BOO~)
16) For people who care for and like you, say something to them:
17) Pass this quiz to 10 persons:
1. shuning (i'm sure she wont mind doing it agn. LOL)
2. jiaxian
3. ahtan
4. meixin
5. shiqi
6. xueli
7. abi (if she ever sees this)
8. larre (whom i've mentioned as above)
9. karen
10. chenen
18) Who is no.6 having relationship with?
a guy in NTU. dont know him personally. check out her blog lor.
19) Is no. 9 a male or female?
karen is 100% female though during the jc yrs i thought she was more lesbo than i am. (but i'm 100% straight also la. i prefer man. haha)
20) If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
are u kidding me?? abi is definitely no lesbo and chenen is straight lor.
21) What is no.2 studying about?
jiaxian is studying business.
22) When is the last time you had a chat with no.3?
ahtan? does msn count? LOL~ (ahtan!! great joke abt pulau ntu. rofl..hahaha)
24) What kind of music band does no.8 like?
i dont know yeh...
25) Does no.1 have any siblings?
2 sisters. her house de yin qi very strong. LOL~
26) Will you woo no.3?
=.= karen is my only "lesbo" partner. haha.
27) How about no.7?
i thought i made myself clear in qn.26.
sorry's not that i dont love you. but we wont work out if we're going in that course. O.o
28) Is no.4 single?
YUPYUP!!! LelongLelong!! (she's so gonna kill me. haha)
29) What is the surname of no.5?
LIM (shiqi)
30) What's the hobby for no.4?
waiting for me to entertain her & dancing~
31) Does no.5 and 9 get along well?
erm...shiqi and karen are just hi-bye friends.
32) Where is no.2 studying at?
jiaxian is also in pulau ntu!!! hahaha...
33)Say something casual about no.1:
sa jiao~ *winkswinks*
34) Have you tried developing feelings for no.8?
??!! lmao
35) Where does no.9 live at?
karen stays at tanah merah kechil.
36) What colour does no.3 like?
ahtan used to like pink. then she started developing feelings for red(look at her wallets).
aiya...indecive woman. X)
37) Are no.5 and 1 best friends?
sn n sq? can say that la. they were in the same class for 2years.
38) Does no. 1 have any pets?
sn? nope. erm..i just thought of angelfish. but they're her mum's.
but they all kee qiang already. (correct me if i'm wrong XD)
39) Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?
abi? she's sexy in her own unique ways. =))
40) What is no. 10 doing now?
i think she sleep le ba. >.<
it's always a torture to do these quiz(s) but whenever i c it on ppl's blog and their answers. super funny can??!! haah.
1) Name somebody whose name started with E, L or Z:
2) Your relationship with him/her is:
Friend n sch mate ba.
3) Your five impressions of him/her:
-super noisy
-very stick to sn
-very obsessed with "ping guo".
-loves himself extensively
-is a faithful follower of God
4) The most memorable thing that he/she had done for you:
huh...erm...he "par kart" with shiqi and loosen the top of the chilli flakes causing my initially horrifying baked rice to become eventually inedible. (i bear grudges. haa.)
5) The most memorable thing that he/she had said to you:
he talks a lot. which are are you referring to? (not that i ever listens attentively, doubt anybody does. >.<)
6) If he/she becomes your lover, you will:
7) If he/she becomes your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be:
8) If he/she becomes your enemy, you will:
i'll wait for that day to come then answer this qn.
9) If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be:
excessively obsessed by his own beauty. he strongly believes he'll become super shuai when he's in the army.
10) The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is:
(taken from sn's blog) WTH! nothing leh.
11) Your overall impression of him/her is:
(again..adapted from sn's blog. taken and changed slightly) a wolf beneath a kind soul's cover
12) How you think people around you will feel about you?
i'm very talkative with a lousy sense of humour, only mx appreciates. i'm her entertainer. *beams with pride*
13) The characteristics you love of yourself are:
the list for characteristics i hate of myself will be shorter. X))
14) On the contrary, the characteristics you hate of yourself are:
is being FAT a characteristic? eh..if not, then i hate myself for crying so much when i faced with a problem. (like the j1 times)
15) The most ideal person you want to be is:
myself. but at times i really want to switch souls with others and look at myself from other people's point of view. (looking into the mirror is no fun. BOO~)
16) For people who care for and like you, say something to them:
17) Pass this quiz to 10 persons:
1. shuning (i'm sure she wont mind doing it agn. LOL)
2. jiaxian
3. ahtan
4. meixin
5. shiqi
6. xueli
7. abi (if she ever sees this)
8. larre (whom i've mentioned as above)
9. karen
10. chenen
18) Who is no.6 having relationship with?
a guy in NTU. dont know him personally. check out her blog lor.
19) Is no. 9 a male or female?
karen is 100% female though during the jc yrs i thought she was more lesbo than i am. (but i'm 100% straight also la. i prefer man. haha)
20) If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
are u kidding me?? abi is definitely no lesbo and chenen is straight lor.
21) What is no.2 studying about?
jiaxian is studying business.
22) When is the last time you had a chat with no.3?
ahtan? does msn count? LOL~ (ahtan!! great joke abt pulau ntu. rofl..hahaha)
24) What kind of music band does no.8 like?
i dont know yeh...
25) Does no.1 have any siblings?
2 sisters. her house de yin qi very strong. LOL~
26) Will you woo no.3?
=.= karen is my only "lesbo" partner. haha.
27) How about no.7?
i thought i made myself clear in qn.26.
sorry's not that i dont love you. but we wont work out if we're going in that course. O.o
28) Is no.4 single?
YUPYUP!!! LelongLelong!! (she's so gonna kill me. haha)
29) What is the surname of no.5?
LIM (shiqi)
30) What's the hobby for no.4?
waiting for me to entertain her & dancing~
31) Does no.5 and 9 get along well?
erm...shiqi and karen are just hi-bye friends.
32) Where is no.2 studying at?
jiaxian is also in pulau ntu!!! hahaha...
33)Say something casual about no.1:
sa jiao~ *winkswinks*
34) Have you tried developing feelings for no.8?
??!! lmao
35) Where does no.9 live at?
karen stays at tanah merah kechil.
36) What colour does no.3 like?
ahtan used to like pink. then she started developing feelings for red(look at her wallets).
aiya...indecive woman. X)
37) Are no.5 and 1 best friends?
sn n sq? can say that la. they were in the same class for 2years.
38) Does no. 1 have any pets?
sn? nope. erm..i just thought of angelfish. but they're her mum's.
but they all kee qiang already. (correct me if i'm wrong XD)
39) Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?
abi? she's sexy in her own unique ways. =))
40) What is no. 10 doing now?
i think she sleep le ba. >.<
it's always a torture to do these quiz(s) but whenever i c it on ppl's blog and their answers. super funny can??!! haah.
blogging due to "popular demand".
(replies to tags)
to mx: eh...haben get pay. haha. but even if get oso dun wan leh...(gives the face).LOL~
to sn: my life lai lai hui hui the same. nthg to blog.
i'm working and giving tuition at the same time!!!
GOGO MONEH~!! (my fav line)
p.s (who want to share LIME fleamarket stall with me?)
p.s.s ($20 per stall...more people share, less money. =D)
(replies to tags)
to mx: eh...haben get pay. haha. but even if get oso dun wan leh...(gives the face).LOL~
to sn: my life lai lai hui hui the same. nthg to blog.
i'm working and giving tuition at the same time!!!
GOGO MONEH~!! (my fav line)
p.s (who want to share LIME fleamarket stall with me?)
p.s.s ($20 per stall...more people share, less money. =D)
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
i'm back into the working society(temporarily).
a 1 month assignment with a French company, operating near the airport.
$5.50 per hour.
(why i accept the offer?)
definitely not because my agent was named Stanley(nice but not cute). LOL.
rather, it was because there's FREE transport back and forth. plus, it's only a ONE MONTH bond. so it's not going to affect any part of my "belated-sec-sch-overseas-outing" plan.
so at least now i'll have money to spend when i go genting and i don't have to go scurrying for my own piggy bank. HURRAHS~!! (well...i guess not. still sulking over the $5.50)
i suppose when i signed the agreement, my agent must have been smirking behind my back and thought to himself, "Sucker~!"
a 1 month assignment with a French company, operating near the airport.
$5.50 per hour.
(why i accept the offer?)
definitely not because my agent was named Stanley(nice but not cute). LOL.
rather, it was because there's FREE transport back and forth. plus, it's only a ONE MONTH bond. so it's not going to affect any part of my "belated-sec-sch-overseas-outing" plan.
so at least now i'll have money to spend when i go genting and i don't have to go scurrying for my own piggy bank. HURRAHS~!! (well...i guess not. still sulking over the $5.50)
i suppose when i signed the agreement, my agent must have been smirking behind my back and thought to himself, "Sucker~!"
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
continuing from where i left off the other day(cleaning ONLY one shelf)...
spent the entire day cleaning up my room, when i say cleaning, i really meant cleaning. i drowned the floor in bleach(diluted), wiped my windows, pulled out my bed and scrubbed the walls, and clean out my table!!
(i do clean my room every other day la. just that the mess on the table doesn't really bothers me, i just sweep and mop the floor.)
Gone are the messiness, dust, cobwebs and (the following is dedicated to ahtan and jiaxian...) the "anyhow-grab-also-got-pen" days. XDDD
love my room even more, now that it smells of a terrific bleach+dettol blend. =)))
spent the entire day cleaning up my room, when i say cleaning, i really meant cleaning. i drowned the floor in bleach(diluted), wiped my windows, pulled out my bed and scrubbed the walls, and clean out my table!!
(i do clean my room every other day la. just that the mess on the table doesn't really bothers me, i just sweep and mop the floor.)
Gone are the messiness, dust, cobwebs and (the following is dedicated to ahtan and jiaxian...) the "anyhow-grab-also-got-pen" days. XDDD
love my room even more, now that it smells of a terrific bleach+dettol blend. =)))
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
so much talk about chemicals found in food nowadays.
first, there was the melamine in China's milk powder. now, there's the talk abt Bishphenol A (BPA) existing in milk bottles and plastic bottles. the news said that milk bottles should be changed every 4-6months and a consumer added that if possible, parents should buy those that are BPA-free or glass milk bottles(totally free of any chemicals).
we all know what melamine can do to our bodies. that it will cause our urine to crystalise in our kidneys resulting in kidney stones. however, should melamine be consumed(in minute amounts, please DO NOT freak), you can simply gulp down water(as much as you can drink) to wash out the melamine in our kidneys.
(hey~no harm done then. =DD)
p.s(however, drinking too much water might result in water-poisoning) =.=
what about BPA then?
what can BPA do to our bodies?
well...the trusty google tells it all!! XD
(taken from the following website
The scientific evidence that supports a conclusion of some concern for exposures in fetuses, infants, and children comes from a number of laboratory animal studies reporting that “low” level exposure to bisphenol A during development can cause changes in behavior and the brain, prostate gland, mammary gland, and the age at which females attain puberty. These studies only provide limited evidence for adverse effects on development and more research is needed to better understand their implications for human health. However, because these effects in animals occur at bisphenol A exposure levels similar to those experienced by humans, the possibility that bisphenol A may alter human development cannot be dismissed.
In laboratory animals, exposure to very high levels of bisphenol A during pregnancy can cause fetal death and reduced birth weight and growth during infancy. These studies provide clear evidence for adverse effects on development, but occur at exposure levels far in excess of those experienced by humans. Two recent human studies have not associated bisphenol A exposure in pregnant women with decreased birth weight or several other measures of birth outcome. Results from several animal studies provide evidence that bisphenol A does not cause birth defects such as cleft palette, skeletal malformations, or grossly abnormal organs.
can't somebody discover this 19years earlier??
i asked my mum and she said she hardly changes our milk bottles. (bad news~) =.=
and then i asked her further, how frequent was our(my brother and I) milk bottles changed? and she said that at least it is not what the news suggested(4-6months). (bad bad news~) -_-lll
but i'm still alive & kicking. =)) *beams*
so wassup with the kidz these days!!???
first, there was the melamine in China's milk powder. now, there's the talk abt Bishphenol A (BPA) existing in milk bottles and plastic bottles. the news said that milk bottles should be changed every 4-6months and a consumer added that if possible, parents should buy those that are BPA-free or glass milk bottles(totally free of any chemicals).
we all know what melamine can do to our bodies. that it will cause our urine to crystalise in our kidneys resulting in kidney stones. however, should melamine be consumed(in minute amounts, please DO NOT freak), you can simply gulp down water(as much as you can drink) to wash out the melamine in our kidneys.
(hey~no harm done then. =DD)
p.s(however, drinking too much water might result in water-poisoning) =.=
what about BPA then?
what can BPA do to our bodies?
well...the trusty google tells it all!! XD
(taken from the following website
The scientific evidence that supports a conclusion of some concern for exposures in fetuses, infants, and children comes from a number of laboratory animal studies reporting that “low” level exposure to bisphenol A during development can cause changes in behavior and the brain, prostate gland, mammary gland, and the age at which females attain puberty. These studies only provide limited evidence for adverse effects on development and more research is needed to better understand their implications for human health. However, because these effects in animals occur at bisphenol A exposure levels similar to those experienced by humans, the possibility that bisphenol A may alter human development cannot be dismissed.
In laboratory animals, exposure to very high levels of bisphenol A during pregnancy can cause fetal death and reduced birth weight and growth during infancy. These studies provide clear evidence for adverse effects on development, but occur at exposure levels far in excess of those experienced by humans. Two recent human studies have not associated bisphenol A exposure in pregnant women with decreased birth weight or several other measures of birth outcome. Results from several animal studies provide evidence that bisphenol A does not cause birth defects such as cleft palette, skeletal malformations, or grossly abnormal organs.
can't somebody discover this 19years earlier??
i asked my mum and she said she hardly changes our milk bottles. (bad news~) =.=
and then i asked her further, how frequent was our(my brother and I) milk bottles changed? and she said that at least it is not what the news suggested(4-6months). (bad bad news~) -_-lll
but i'm still alive & kicking. =)) *beams*
so wassup with the kidz these days!!???
Monday, October 27, 2008
found time to tidy up my room. spent the whole day walking down memory lane. just clearing only ONE shelf and look!!...these are what i've found. =)))
well...i never meant to be a garang guni but some thing are really meant for keepsakes.

copper sulphate crystals (CuSO4.H2O)
(i knew i never did lose my chemistry touch. LOL~)

jiaxian made this. green~

crayons...(i don't even know how i got these)

a production by the 8 girls of 06S304.

one of the guides from my patrol made this during a farewell.

there's a name for this but i don't know what...(these things that has holes and sand fall through these holes. i can spend the whole day watching the sand fall through XD)
well...i never meant to be a garang guni but some thing are really meant for keepsakes.
copper sulphate crystals (CuSO4.H2O)
(i knew i never did lose my chemistry touch. LOL~)
jiaxian made this. green~
crayons...(i don't even know how i got these)
a production by the 8 girls of 06S304.
one of the guides from my patrol made this during a farewell.
there's a name for this but i don't know what...(these things that has holes and sand fall through these holes. i can spend the whole day watching the sand fall through XD)
this is what i call LIFE...

aye-aye matee...treasure chest.

(in the treasure chest) 6-petaled ixora. (you usually see 4 or 5 petals, so these are really special.)
jiaxian's work of art. (stars used to be arranged in the colours of the rainbow. XD)

direct from Sweden IKEA.
i made it!! chalk pounded by hand.

a casual display of my sewing prowess. tee-hee-hee. >.<
aye-aye matee...treasure chest.
(in the treasure chest) 6-petaled ixora. (you usually see 4 or 5 petals, so these are really special.)
ixora---the guides patrol which i use to be in, and shall always be.

another lovely production by the guides. =)

a birthday gift from pohshihui. really cute seahorse.
another lovely production by the guides. =)
a birthday gift from pohshihui. really cute seahorse.
jiaxian's work of art. (stars used to be arranged in the colours of the rainbow. XD)
direct from Sweden IKEA.
shoot 4 the moon! even if you'll land Amongst the stars!!
i made it!! chalk pounded by hand.
which represents the 2 of us whose birthdays fall on 27/8. =)))
so sweet right??!!
so sweet right??!!
a casual display of my sewing prowess. tee-hee-hee. >.<
went simpang with Karen after a usual swimming session and spent i think $6 to "tong" these childhood toys. (we "tong" 6 in total, of course.)

shiny, shiny...
so many 瓶瓶灌灌, so many memories...
so how can i possibly throw away my 瓶瓶灌灌 leh.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
blogging from my new notebook. yay~~
after long months of deciding between the various brands of PCs. we eventually settled for HP Pavilion.
model: dv5_1036tx
erm...i suppose it's a relatively good deal because for starters, the original price was $2599 and we managed to get it at $2430 with free upgrade (from a 3GB to) to a 4GB ram, plus free carry case and optical mouse and microsoft home student edition. (so i suppose it's good right??)
the graphic card also very power so that means i can play those RPG games on my notebook(not as if i do play). but but...the MOST important thing is that it comes with a teevee antenna so i can get to watch teevee in my own room when i stay in hostel in the future. no need to go to the common teevee room and squeeze with everybody else for teevee!!! (plusplus point~)
after long months of deciding between the various brands of PCs. we eventually settled for HP Pavilion.
model: dv5_1036tx
erm...i suppose it's a relatively good deal because for starters, the original price was $2599 and we managed to get it at $2430 with free upgrade (from a 3GB to) to a 4GB ram, plus free carry case and optical mouse and microsoft home student edition. (so i suppose it's good right??)
the graphic card also very power so that means i can play those RPG games on my notebook(not as if i do play). but but...the MOST important thing is that it comes with a teevee antenna so i can get to watch teevee in my own room when i stay in hostel in the future. no need to go to the common teevee room and squeeze with everybody else for teevee!!! (plusplus point~)
Monday, October 20, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
so what exactly is a Gilbert Tay?? O.o
(the polls are nowopen CLOSED)
a) a lecturer in NUS
b) an architecture firm
c) a scholarship
d) all of the above
the truth shall now be revealed...(drumroll)
so Gilber Tay is actually...
a) a lecturer in NUS
b) an architecture firm
c) a scholarship
d) all of the above
so Gilbert Tay is a lecturer in NUS??? *shrug*
i can't answer that for sure but i'm definitely sure that Mr.G is definitely NO architecture firm or a scholarship.
i shall move on with life while Miss. Ke-Ai-&-Mei-Li shall reveal to you the truest identity of Mr.G.
thank you for tuning in to "Huiyuan's Mr.G Mystery"
CASE CLOSED~ *picture big red words boxed up, like those stamps that police use when they close the case(i suppose they use those stamps, the teevee said so!!)*
(the polls are now
a) a lecturer in NUS
b) an architecture firm
c) a scholarship
d) all of the above
the truth shall now be revealed...(drumroll)
so Gilber Tay is actually...
a) a lecturer in NUS
so Gilbert Tay is a lecturer in NUS??? *shrug*
i can't answer that for sure but i'm definitely sure that Mr.G is definitely NO architecture firm or a scholarship.
i shall move on with life while Miss. Ke-Ai-&-Mei-Li shall reveal to you the truest identity of Mr.G.
thank you for tuning in to "Huiyuan's Mr.G Mystery"
CASE CLOSED~ *picture big red words boxed up, like those stamps that police use when they close the case(i suppose they use those stamps, the teevee said so!!)*
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
ok...(being most unconvinced)...i went to google for Gilbert Tay archi firm again.
so the results were...(drumroll)
...that Gilbert Tay Architecture Firm don't exist??
check this out.
it's not Gilbert Tay but just Gilbert. the base is not in HongKong but in Lancaster. the guy who founded the association was never Gilbert Tay but Thomas W. Gilbert. the firm has achieved several awards and their speciality is at designing school campuses. (FACT!!)
so eventually the case is solved for Mr.G. it's a case of mistaken identity.
but my final question who is Mr. Gilbert Tay?? (polls are still open =D)
so the results were...(drumroll)
...that Gilbert Tay Architecture Firm don't exist??
check this out.
it's not Gilbert Tay but just Gilbert. the base is not in HongKong but in Lancaster. the guy who founded the association was never Gilbert Tay but Thomas W. Gilbert. the firm has achieved several awards and their speciality is at designing school campuses. (FACT!!)
so eventually the case is solved for Mr.G. it's a case of mistaken identity.
but my final question who is Mr. Gilbert Tay?? (polls are still open =D)
with regards to the previous post, i've changed the name to "sihui". (very confusing can!!??) haha.
i went to google for Gilbert Tay archi firm and apparently it does exist. O.o
so what is what??!!!
even the supposed truth is fake!!! hello??!! and sihui still tells me it's a scholarship. and then she said all was fake. O.o
so what exactly is a Gilbert Tay?? O.o
(the polls are now open)
a) a lecturer in NUS
b) an architecture firm
c) a scholarship
d) all of the above
to Ke Ai: u're keli rite?? si drives me crazy(totally). LOL.
i went to google for Gilbert Tay archi firm and apparently it does exist. O.o
so what is what??!!!
even the supposed truth is fake!!! hello??!! and sihui still tells me it's a scholarship. and then she said all was fake. O.o
so what exactly is a Gilbert Tay?? O.o
(the polls are now open)
a) a lecturer in NUS
b) an architecture firm
c) a scholarship
d) all of the above
to Ke Ai: u're keli rite?? si drives me crazy(totally). LOL.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
met sihui today on my way home(while i was on the train).
my trip home from bukit batok has never been shorter. =DD
(fyi: sihui is from ahs!! keli's fren, in all saints' de.)
saw her by coincidence. she was with 2 other frens.
she was as frenly as ever and so were her frens.
(well cut short the formalities...)
the point was...have you ever tried being lied from clementi all the way to paya lebar. O.o
hello!!?? i knew i am very easily taken in by other's words but i never knew i was THIS gullible...
when shihui asked where i was studying at, i told her i was going overseas to do archi.
then she said, "Do you know Gilbert Tay Architecture Firm?? Most famous in Singapore!"
(her fren was like nodding to her every word and misleading me along)
i told her i didn't know.
(their eyes widened and exclaimed, "YOU DON'T KNOW??!!")
the way they said it made me feel so sinful that i didn't know the most famous archi firm in Singapore, still say their base in HongKong. O.o
but not wanting to feel dumb, i said, "I thought WOHA(archi firm) is the best in Singapore??"
eventually we dropped the issue and her fren started saying she was my pri sch fren. then i was like SERIOUS??!! and we continued talking like lost-long frens. sihui and her fren made everything so convincing can??!!
(fyi: WOHA is indeed a very good archi firm in Singapore, has numerous achievements and at least it does exist.)
then her fren was like going on and on about how sad she was that i don't recognise her. and sihui start making faces and rolling eyes then she said, "gullible is NOT in the dictionary." i didn't catch her hints and continued with the pri-sch-fren-mini-reunion thing.
eventually when her fren alighted at paya lebar, sihui would have grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me if it hadn't been for the laptop in her arms. she later told me that all was a fake!!!
(for those who are so keen on knowing who's Gilbert Tay, he's actually their lecturer.) =.=
omg i had been cheated from clementi to paya lebar. T_T
but the whole point am i gonna survive without being cheated if i were to go aussie??? sihui sounded super convincing.
but but the moral of the story is...i must always be honest.
(luckily, i never giay khiang(act smart) and say , "OHH~~the Gilbert Tay archi firm ah! i know." cos it was a major scam) =.=
my trip home from bukit batok has never been shorter. =DD
(fyi: sihui is from ahs!! keli's fren, in all saints' de.)
saw her by coincidence. she was with 2 other frens.
she was as frenly as ever and so were her frens.
(well cut short the formalities...)
the point was...have you ever tried being lied from clementi all the way to paya lebar. O.o
hello!!?? i knew i am very easily taken in by other's words but i never knew i was THIS gullible...
when shihui asked where i was studying at, i told her i was going overseas to do archi.
then she said, "Do you know Gilbert Tay Architecture Firm?? Most famous in Singapore!"
(her fren was like nodding to her every word and misleading me along)
i told her i didn't know.
(their eyes widened and exclaimed, "YOU DON'T KNOW??!!")
the way they said it made me feel so sinful that i didn't know the most famous archi firm in Singapore, still say their base in HongKong. O.o
but not wanting to feel dumb, i said, "I thought WOHA(archi firm) is the best in Singapore??"
eventually we dropped the issue and her fren started saying she was my pri sch fren. then i was like SERIOUS??!! and we continued talking like lost-long frens. sihui and her fren made everything so convincing can??!!
(fyi: WOHA is indeed a very good archi firm in Singapore, has numerous achievements and at least it does exist.)
then her fren was like going on and on about how sad she was that i don't recognise her. and sihui start making faces and rolling eyes then she said, "gullible is NOT in the dictionary." i didn't catch her hints and continued with the pri-sch-fren-mini-reunion thing.
eventually when her fren alighted at paya lebar, sihui would have grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me if it hadn't been for the laptop in her arms. she later told me that all was a fake!!!
(for those who are so keen on knowing who's Gilbert Tay, he's actually their lecturer.) =.=
omg i had been cheated from clementi to paya lebar. T_T
but the whole point am i gonna survive without being cheated if i were to go aussie??? sihui sounded super convincing.
but but the moral of the story is...i must always be honest.
(luckily, i never giay khiang(act smart) and say , "OHH~~the Gilbert Tay archi firm ah! i know." cos it was a major scam) =.=
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

absolutely cute woman with a ridiculously cute hat.

birthday girl~

preparing herself for the climb to the top of the chair for the most wonderful experience. embarassing meh??
our bday girl here is totally enjoying herself to the maximum.
maximum fun+excitement, minimum paiseh-ness.

ok la..maybe just a lil' embarassing but THREE-CHEERS for"mei" "angeline" "jerlyn" for being such a great sport. XD

off goes the hat~

like i always say, "what's a gathering without FOOD??! DIG IN EVERYBODY~"

ahtan had to leave early and we went to the arcade. i just feast myself on shuning's and meixin's arcade card. XP
(if you're thinking why aren't there any of my pictures in the arcade...)
(...well, somebody has to take the pictures right?!!)
absolutely cute woman with a ridiculously cute hat.
birthday girl~
preparing herself for the climb to the top of the chair for the most wonderful experience. embarassing meh??
our bday girl here is totally enjoying herself to the maximum.
maximum fun+excitement, minimum paiseh-ness.
ok la..maybe just a lil' embarassing but THREE-CHEERS for
off goes the hat~
like i always say, "what's a gathering without FOOD??! DIG IN EVERYBODY~"
ahtan had to leave early and we went to the arcade. i just feast myself on shuning's and meixin's arcade card. XP
(if you're thinking why aren't there any of my pictures in the arcade...)
(...well, somebody has to take the pictures right?!!)
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