Tuesday, March 23, 2010

it hailed!! omg!! O_O worse storm ever in the past decades. hailstones were as big as golfballs. our place was hit pretty bad. but lucky for us, only the skylights shattered and we went without any electricity for nearly 24hours. (false forced smile)

this was taken from inside the house during the storm. i had to empahsize we were inside. it was hell loud.

here's the commotion during the storm.

me (exhilarated): SO EXCITING~!!

ginny (exhilarated as well): OMG!! it's raining HAILSTONES!

daniel (taken aback by the raining golfballs): O-M-F-G.

ginny: what the heck??!! (runs to the other side of the house)

me (in the background): oh my gosh.

this was perhaps the peak of the storm i suppose. you could hardly see anything outside. O_O

you can pretty much see that our tv went blank, shortly after the entire house had a blackout.

mosquito netting ripped. the one in the kitchen looked worse. in fact, the mosquito netting could most probably let an elephant through right now. =.=


the entire lawn was covered in hail.

these as you see are pretty much melted already. the ones that came down were GINORMOUS. scary much?

tiles on the roof cracked and water seeped into the false ceiling. now i have a ceiling over my head that looks like it's going to collapse. i'm in such a vulnerable spot. =.=

roads cracked.

solar power generator pelted with hail.

school got cancelled today.
the aftermath of the storm was pretty bad. winds during the storm were going at 120km/h. the alva library, which was built underground, was flooded and there was somewhat like a mudslide. the glass windows gave way and the entire library was swimming in the storm. the books!!!! =(
the main campus was looking very much horrible itself, we went out to walk around the school after the rain subsided. (for a moment, i thought hail was fun.) SO NOT!

oh ya...if you were thinking it must have been shit cold prior to the storm then you are so wrong!!. it was seriously hot. i was napping in my room and i was cooking inside. the air was so thick and hard to breathe. shortly after, it started to rain a lil then golfballs started falling from the sky. O_O hello?!! warning please?

1 comment:

  1. omg is that the great storm of perth?

    Weather's going kuku over here in Sg too. Keep raining.
