Monday, May 10, 2010

World expo is held in Shanghai this year. dilys was hoping i could join her and miilk. but too bad i cant cause that would mean having only 3weeks in Singapore. =(
if i cant experience the flamboyance of the Singapore pavilion on the site personally. then at the very least allow me to bring forth the experience to you visually. =D
photo courtesy of expo2010.

Pavilion Preview

Theme: Urban Symphony

Highlights: A Smart "Music Box"

National Pavilion Day: August 7 (never knew we had a Nat Pavilion Day, where's my ph? O_O)

Pavilion Area: Around 3,000 Square Meters

Highlight 1: Unique Design

Unique Design Supported by four columns of different profiles, the entire structural system features floors of different shapes and sizes, connected by ramps and stairs suspended from trusses smoothly, to form a tensional balance, which symbolizes a harmonious coexistence of people who live, work and have fun in Singapore.

Highlight 2: "Hanging Garden"

"Hanging Garden" The unique Singapore experience will culminate in the "Hanging Garden" - a rooftop garden landscaped with mysterious flora and music fountains. Here visitors will get a first-hand feel of Singapore as a Garden City.

Highlight 3: Environmental Protection

Singapore Pavilion also highlights its environment-friendly design. Facade slits and chilled water along the perimeter of the ground floor centre space will help reduce massive energy consumption whilst recyclable building materials will feature extensively.

Highlight 4: Beautiful Night View

Beautiful Night View Fountains at the square outside of the pavilion is a prelude of "Urban Symphony". When night falls, dazzling light rays flow out from the interlaced windows and facade slits, rendering the "Music Box" with more charming beauties.

very beautiful hor??! i thought it looked somewhat like the colosseum.
OMG. and this is just the Singapore pavilion. there are alot more pavilions in the exhibition itself. ahhh~~!!!
and it's just too bad it ends 31oct. so i cant go at the end of the year as well. *upset*
World Expo will be held in Switz next year!!! Yeosu, Korea in 2012. (google was wrong. =.=)
i'm SO going next, next year by hook or by crook. (somehow Korea seems like a more accesible place than Swiss. hahaha)
if you are keen on viewing the pavilions by the rest of the's the link. =)

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