Tuesday, June 13, 2006

at last...
went back ahs today to take my grad cert.
ser n jiaxian oso went back to take a look at the guitar camp.
karen came too.
she came to pass me bio notes.
was hoping that the ahs bookshop was open
so i could photocopy the notes but sadly no.
ser n xian went back becos the guitar juniors needed station masters.
but the 4 of us just went to take pictures at the fitness corner.
so fun la.
evrybody was so high.
took loads of pics then went to see how their junoirs carried out their activities.
after that we went to slack at the guitar room.
karen n i were free loaders.
we just sat there n started munching on the tidbits.
at abt 7pm we left n went hm.
[exciting day but i'm too tired to describe evry single detail tt happen =p]
p.s(btw xian did something tt totally made me ser n karen laugh lyk crazy ;D)
=>sorry la too lazy to type le. bb

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