Tuesday, July 4, 2006

omg omg omg
i typed out evrything n my com just died on me.
there was an error report n my window was closed.
n all tt i have typed just now is no longer there.
i shall b patient n re-type evrything agn.


it was such a packed day today.
but it was so fun =)
slept at 4am last night to complete the YRF(yellow ribbon fund) proposal
but i din manage to finish it anyway.
i thot it was best if i get some shut-eye
if not i will definitely b dozing off in the movie the nxt day.
woke up at 8.30am tis morn.
i was meeting up with jiaxian at plaza sing.
the silly girl woke up early to buy her mp3
(limited to only 20pieces per day)
no cute guys there for admiration though but jx was so mesmerised but this girl working at the shop w a short cute haircut.
[ok!!...admit it jx! u lesbo!! lol =D]
there was a need for me to go to the creative shop
becos i had to buy new stik-ons for my zen neon.
yea...i got the bold series. they were nice.
but jx thot tt the kawaii series were better but nah.
craps my style. lol
[not tt i have any to speak of in the first place]
aft the retail therapy we went to mac.
[a hunger pang hit jx]
then jx realise tt she had lost her wallet.
btw jx had lost her wallet n she went to collect it b4 coming to buy her mp3.
so it was like, she found it n now she loses it agn.
we went searching in evry single place from the shop where her wallet was last seen to mac which was our last stop.
but we cldn't find it.
we were suppose to meet ser at 11am for a swim at karen's hse.
i was abt to msg ser to tell her tt we will b late becos our dear jx had lost her wallet when jx suddenly exclaimed that she had found it.
no more frantic girl.
but guess wad??!
"where did she find it?" u ask?
well...our v blur girl actually placed her wallet into a most secluded compartment of her bag which she has nvr used.
n today she just happens to misplaced her wallet in her bag.
then aft suppressing the urge to conk jx' head,
we set off to meet ser.


when we reached karen's hse.
the security guard didn't want to let us in.
he was v rude to us.
[com'on, it's not as if i will b robbing hse to hse]
so i called karen to come out to fetch us.
i shouted over the phone,"Hey Karen!! We reached already. The security guard dun wan to let us in!!"
sorry but i was being v ap.
the security guard heard me of cos.
n when he saw karen coming out, he talked to her for a moment b4 coming over to us n apologised.
lol. [wicked laughter]
so when he let us enter, we thanked him.
n he gave us a very sincere reply,"Welcome!"
jx n karen cldn't swim due to unforseen circumstances which i shall not further elaborate.
so there was only me n ser left.
went for a dip in the pool.
splash! cooling chlorinated water. =)
went to the sauna as well. lol.
then at 1.30pm i went to shower.
after tt ser n i went to simpang bedok eat prata.
smiles. i had plain n egg.
ser had plain n banana.
we had teh-ice. a big cup of it.
it was a relatively satisfying lunch.
despite the fact tt i was alr running late for the meeting w shuning, chenen, xiuxian, jiaqi n kian hwee, ser n i walked hm.
i went hm to change b4 meeting them.
i was suppose to meet them at 3pm but i reached at 4pm instead. lolz.


aft i met up w them we went to buy movie tickets.
we were gonna watch 'just my luck' at first
but then we realised the time was not right.
so we watched 'superman returns' at 5.30pm
yea!! SUPERMAN! shuai.
the only cute guy i had seen over the past week.
the movie was not bad.
out of 5 stars i give it 3.5-4stars
[good enough already, wld have given it only 3.0stars if not for the cute guy tt acted as superman. lol]
then we had dinner at yoshinoya.
it was a crazy day out w those guys.


that's abt the whole of my day.
btw big accomplishment today!!
i have completed the YRF proposal at last!
yay. phew...
[dead beat]

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