Friday, July 21, 2006

went back ahs today.
not for any special reasons.
just went back to reminise the old times.
love tt environment.
even the air smells fresher there.
pic i took w ser when we walking up the slope.
cool rite.
lol [left is ser, right is me =)]
saw mr chan.
he looks even older now.
more white hair.
miss him.
esp the way he teaches us.
esp now tt in mjc i got a teacher hu is full of bullshit.
ok not one.
mayb a few.


got kb by my pw a.k.a math a.k.a form teacher today.
i use to tink he was a good teacher bcos he reli did try his best.
n somehow ppl just din wan to listen to him.
so i try to do my tutorials.
but sometimes it's not that i dun want to do.
but teachers must understand that we ARE afterall students.
n we are here to learn.
we dun come in smart like u.
n they expect that after going thru the lecture once we are like the super absorbent sponge.
evrything goes in n stays in.
sorry to say but no.
[if we do know evryting all teachers will be jobless]
i dun understand the lecture sometimes.
[the teachers will definitely say then i shud have consult them]
but...the prob is that since we dun understand wad is happening during the tutorials, do u tink that by repeating wad he say during a consultation we wld understand?
[you'll need a miracle for that]
consultations are when you dun listen to lectures n dun quite catch wad the lecturer is talking abt.
so in lay man's term a consultation is just a repetition of the lecture or tutorial.
but wad happens aft tt if we listen n stil do not understand?
since we cant understand the teacher now do u seriously tink we will understand him aft tt?
kinda suck at evryting.
i'm v upset.
upset over today.


oh ya i have yet to describe abt the kb-ing by my teach.
hate him cos he is so bias towards one student.
just becos he has some defect in speech?
or becos of pity, tt evry1 in class ostrasize him??
wadeva the reason, he is just bias.
make me reli pissed.
he can be the most ignorant to that particular student abt handing in of work.
but to us,
even if we do hand in he just gives us shit talk.
y do teachers always tink tt they are right?
y do they not take the stand of the students n tink in a different perspective?
perhaps tt wld just make life easier.
we were late.
i admit but exact time was not stated.
so it wasnt totally our fault for being late.
plus we did not c the msg.
the teacher was nvr particular abt this sort of things but today he just pisses me off.
if not for the fact tt all of us will b sitting for the a lev do u tink any1 wld wana give a damn abt the pw?
to hell whoever invented pw.
waste of time.
tml is meet the parent session n i will be seeing him agn.
cant even let me off during the weekends.
seeing his face makes me puke.
[ok mayb a bit of over-doing there but reli disgusted abt him]


haha...weekends are here. but only 7weeks left to promos.
jiayou ppl.
we shall n we will promote as a class. WHOLE.
we will not b look down on my some f**king teachers ok.? =)

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