Saturday, July 19, 2008

tml is taiwan day! for the next 8days it will be taiwan day!!
i haven't finish packing my bag yet, have been busy with my portfolio.
have been on my portfolio for quite some time already. did very minimal amount of work but i want to produce quality work. as the saying goes,""More haste, less speed" --- trying to do things too quickly and carelessly makes them take longer in the end. (adapted from this webby---


so i've taken my time on me portfolio and i only manage to complete 2piece of decent-looking work. Lol. have been spending too much time on my non-relevant, random inspirations previously. i've taken pictures which i will be including in my portfolio as well. as for sketches, i only did 2pieces. O.o "so many things to do but so little time."


i shall not be posting up my work of art just as yet. in any case, should some other architecture student pop by my blog and steals my idea, claiming it to be his/her own(highly unlikely, probability is very low). i shall not risk getting my ideas stolen. haha. only told mx, sn & ahtan. so if anybody does a replica, i know who to look for. LOL.
plus, there's also a possibility that the Dean of Architecture might happen to stumble upon my blog(not knowing that it's mine), and fail me during the recruitment, just because he thought it's a work of plagiarism. (that will be totally lame~)


and also i don't want to receive overwhelming comments, regardless positive or negative, from others until i'm a 100% positive that i'm selected into the school of my choice. i don't want to end up feeling super confident and then not get selected. i will bang my head against the wall.
my aunt(architect) shall be the first to see my work together with all the explanation and stuff. =)))


I WILL WORK TOWARDS MY GOAL!!! cheer for me people~


Lord, i pray for good weather in Taiwan. Lord, i pray that You'll keep everyone safe and healthy during this journey and i pray that the journey will be a smooth one. Thank You Lord.
In the name of Jesus, i pray.

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