Wednesday, August 27, 2008

in no particular order of merit...
i present to you...

huiyuan says, "not for the faint-hearted. don't say i never warn you hor!"
shawn's farewell. (you think this is mild?? LOL)

huiyuan says, "well, i warned you, didn't i??"
(start screaming, people.)
the lesbo gang.
sugar makes teeth white~
some new year.
mr peach's farewell.

lovely ahs. old campus, die-hard feelings.
(for those who do not know, i think this part of ahs has been torn down already)
cant find meixin's unglam photo. so TADAH!!
(lucky you, girl!!)

i love those good old guiding days. =))
once a guide, always a guide.
i love to be spastic. (posing with a tomato was so wrong!!)
LOL. *plops goes tomato*
sadly i only have time to post these few.
don't smirk if you never see yourself here.
i'll be back to post more!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

doing odd jobs lately. life is as stale as a piece of mouldy bread.
hmm...maybe worse than the mouldy bread. i'm so stale, no mould want to grow on me even.


visit this marvelous site. =)))

Monday, August 25, 2008


Friday, August 22, 2008

just earned $18.70 from just a SINGLE order!! =DDD
money-making business ventures sure are working well for me but apparently the spree community that i joined as an organiser is not receiving very good feedback. i sure hope that won't affect the number of spree-ers joining the community. (afterall, i'm selling my stuff there.)
the tintsy-wee-bit of cash that i've earned was from my livejournal!! wee~ (another blog page of mine.) somebody actually stumbled upon my livejournal and emailed me to make purchases. some of which those emails were dated back in April 2008. i haven't been checking that particular email, mainly because it was under a google account and gmail is very foreign to me. i haven't been updating my livejournal as well. the newer designs were not on the lj page.
feel free to take a look though i'm not accepting anymore orders currently. will be posting more designs when my computer is ready for usage. (well...the system restoration wasn't as miraculous as i thought it would be. so AC*R technician will be coming today to retrieve the whole cpu.)
so byebye blogging days. (for as long as a week, or perhaps even longer.)
(off to bukit batok for tuition.) ---another money-making business venture. =DDD

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

my computer has survived!! this treacherous ordeal of constant crashing and number of times when the blue screen(which writes,"a problem has been detected and Windows need to shut down immediately.") appears become ever so frequent.

i had to call up AC*R(asterisk-ed to void out any possibilities that i maybe infringing on copyrights' issue.) twice a week. =.=
it's not exactly the best way to spend my boring-slacking-away days though, having to be put on hold for the longest time you can ever imagine. totally not fun.

anyway, i had to restore the computer to a date way back, sometime during June when my computer has yet to be overloaded by junk. it is like reformatting your computer, only maybe the C:drive doesn't get cleaned out completely.

so i was back to having no internet for a couple of weeks.(hence explaining why i have failed to blog eversince)

the system restoration really worked out. now that the system has been cleaned and completely devoid of any potential risks, i'm free to blog again.


got caught up onto this novel, KISS&BLOG by ALYSON NOEL. it was outrageously funny and super engaging. stayed up last night until 5am to finish reading nearly two-thirds of the book. i've completed it in the afternoon today. engrossed~

i never thought i would pick up reading as one of my hobbies, again. (well, reading used to be ONE of my hobbies, not in the top favourites though.) but this book is good. =))


erm...for those who may not know, i have accepted a tuition offer which is located all the way in bukit batok. O.o i'm teaching CHINESE. *smirks*
a korean boy, 13, studies at international school and has a strict mommy.
i haven't start teaching him yet. i'm just picking off from where jomel has left off. she'll be taking him back when her exams are over. so it's just a few months of tutoring.
i've done the math and i'll be earning only $100/month after deducting the transport money. you can call me a loyal friend but i would say i'm a complete idiot who has nothing better to do but to embark on butt-rotting journeys to the other side of our not-so-tiny island.


who's into money-making business ventures???

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

feeling super sympathetic for myself.
can't find the vibe to perk myself up.
feeling so very much like a L-O-S-E-R.


i've told somebody, "i've been waiting for this opportunity for the past 18years of my life, so another few more months of waiting doesn't really matter."
true enough. but what will happen to me after those waiting.
if my wait was worthwhile, so be it.
what if my wait turns out to be futile??
does that mean that for the past 18years and countless months, all my waiting have come to nought??


this time round, i'm not going to place my hopes up so high.
it hurts when i fall back down.
no support. no cushion. no backup.
seriously...if it turns out not the way i want it to be.
i really have NO backup. no backup plan, that is.
will poly be the way out??(disclaimer: not saying that poly is not a good option but i'll need to spend more time to eventually get to where i want to be.)
or perhaps i can consider retaking my Alevs??


the fact that i couldn't secure myself a place in the local uni has come to me as a major hit.
the impact of the whole matter is subsiding but when reminded, it still hurts.
i was rather amazed when i realise that i could still tear over this matter.
i thought i had gotten over it.
indeed, that time was the hardest that i've ever cried for as long as i lived.
i didn't know that Architecture meant so much to me.
maybe it wasn't Archi, perhaps the impact came from the fact that i couldn't get into the local uni.(does NIE count??)


not being able to enter local uni had never came across my mind, until i entered JC.
wrong step taken lead dire consequences.
i did not heed His calling when i was in JC1.
i should have gone to poly instead. at least i would be a lot happier than being in JC.
JC life has scarred me---for an eternity.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

having insomnia almost every night.
i suppose that's because i've got nothing to do and my body is conserving so much energy.
none of the energy is used and i don't feel tired at all.


schooling will be a better option for me.
i'm not afraid to face a new environment.
i'm not afraid to meet new people.
i'm not afraid to make new friends.
i'm not afraid of what i may have to face when application is successful.
(if only application will be successful)


i have yet to apply.
i don't know what i'm waiting for.
every night when i force myself to sleep, i'll start thinking about those who are lying upon their hostel beds while i sleep on my own bed.
lucky them.
school will be a better option for me.


waiting for this option to come.
when others graduate, i'll still be schooling. =.=
i pray that my application will be successful.
i pray for my ideal school and course.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

with regards to the BIG change on shuning's blog, it's actually because i "permed" and rebond my hair. kill me~
it was a lousy change. my head is as flat as the rooftop and as kuku as the hair upon my head.
T_T ugly~
after my trip from Taiwan, my family had been saying that my fatness has made me beyond recognition, which i find it very disturbing and very incredible. my weight has soared eversince Alevs. when i started working, i became fatter than ever. but at that time nobody had any comments. my colleague even said that i look as if i slimmed down from the 1st day of work.
(which is totally untrue because the weighing machine never lies.)
i only came to accept the fact that i DID become fatter than ever when i met up with susanna yesterday, at the gym. well, she slimmed down. O.o (never wait for me~) her weight went down while my weight went exactly the opposite way. =.=
then i looked at myself in the mirror, only to find that my bulging tummy was as bulgy as my chest. (tadah~) my pot-belly!!!
my pot-belly is undergoing puberty. the puberty is constant, forever growing~