Monday, October 23, 2006

meridian junior college shouldnt be by that name.
i call it 'mad-ridden' junior college.
all the mugging freaks. they have all turned mad.. Yeaks!
it is totally beneath me to say that i am part of the family.
cos i m not.
i cannot picture myself in the future of that dreadful institute.
the monstrousity intimidates me.
where did my burning rock go?
[made a wish]
it has yet to come true.
so the legend of shooting stars having the ability to grant wishes have become a myth.


life sucks.
life never was rox-ing anyway if u lived in the 21st century.
i seriously wouldn't mind if i had a time-machine and i could go back a few decades ago.
n still be sitting by the stream catching tadpoles or digging earthworms in the fields.
life wouldn't have been much more easier but at least it will a carefree life.
who cares anyway if u r in 'mad-ridden',
the studying epidemic had long ago infected everybody.
perhaps only me, i had the vaccine.
so it turns out that i m not infected and i became stupid.
so i would say that it is a smart disease that affected everyone.
mind you, stupidity is not contagious.
my actively-working phosphobilipid layers has successfully kept the 'mad-ridden' virus away from me.
[assuming that it is a viral disease=>incurable]
Lo and behold...i m NOT infected. so i m NOT intelligent.
pure stupidity invades me.
ah...the stupidity virus is taking over my body.
so now i m immobilised.
wadeva. byebye.

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