Wednesday, October 11, 2006

[now waiting for my beloved inuyasha to show on central.]


requested love from jiaxian: ok i miss u alot la! haha
hmm...miss the silly girl. so long nvr c her.
actually ok la cos stil got go swimming together k?!!
i spouting nonsense liao.
must have been the 'having-too-much-sleep-but-stil-very-tired' syndrome.
slept like a pig ydae.
went hm, had my dinner then went to slp at 830pm.
woke up at 1130 n i found out i haben bathe. lol [stinks]
aft my shower then at 1200am i went back to slp.
in total i slpt 9hrs. [piggy*oinks*]


even after promos, i cant rest.
my whole life revolves around the school.
so even if there are no exams,
there are bound to be school related events that will definitely tire me out.
so now it all about pw, open hse n cca.
song bo.[v long nvr use tis phrase le]
sian dao.


i shall have happy thots.
inuyasha gonna show liao.
HAPPY thoughts come my way...

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