Saturday, January 31, 2009

went cycling with my cousin on wednesday(28jan).
photos as promised...

the wind was really strong that day, plus we were by the beach so my hair was in a mess.
i looked like some absurd, self-obsessed, high-foreheaded freak with a horrid center parting. T_T

i booked a double-cycler bike for 2hours. i wanted to get my brother to cycle with me but he was too engrossed with the gambling at the chalet. so off i went with rc(rong chang) on our cycling adventure.

here we the pasir ris playground, reliving my childhood days. O.o
it took me so long to get this picture right. so TA-DAH~!!!

i insist that rc re-take this picture until i could see most of myself in the picture. sure is tiring to climb up the slide. boy, really don't know why i use to have so much energy as a kid to play the slide repeatedly. =.= totally panting on my way down the slide. (the smile in the picture appears to be non-existent)

rc took this photo. =.=
which part in this photo does it tell you that i'm taking a picture with a horse??!!

of course got to retake lar!!
rc with a spastic look as he tries to caress the pony. >.<
p.s(we fell down the bike when i cleverly thought we could cycle up a slope. =.= now i have a very BIG orh-cheh on my lower hip.)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

撐腰~大家一起跳!小豬 羅志祥 SHOW

dedicated to mx...

learn it woman!!! then we can go kbox and dance together. XD



this came a little late, but better late than never. =DD

my last post was on 23jan(fri), nearly a week since i've last blogged.
have been blogging very frequently for the whole month of january, i suppose it's because i'm leaving for Australia and my only way of communicating with the world would be through my blog.

went out with the juhua-jiemeis, we were missing a ruhua though.

CNY eve.
helped my mum with the preparation of reunion dinner. our family is hosting the reunion dinner this year.

went to relatives' houses to 拜年.

relatives from Malaysia came to visit and booked chalet.
had barbeque and went cycling with my cousin. (will upload photos later)

people from currie hall starts texting and tagging on my wall "HAPPY BDAY."
i realise cause i gave fake bday details on fb. >.< (changed it!!) blogging from my laptop and emo-ing at home. going to the library later to emo even more.

i'm leaving for Australia.
school is starting (at last...) for me.

Majulah chanhuiyuan!
Success to all my future(+present) endeavours!

Friday, January 23, 2009

dedicated to person N:

many people pass through our lives and when you do find the right one, you'll know it's him. he'll take you by the hand and walk the rest of your life with you.

to the person who's currently holding person N's hand:

if one day she ever asks you (again), "If your mother and i fell into the sea together, who will you save?"

be a sweetheart and tell her, "I'll save my mother first, then i'll jump into the sea and drown with you."

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

[MV]羅志祥_撐腰 (完整版)

i'm so loving this MV. it's so heartwarming.
Show takes this opportunity to thank the people in his lives.

i thank the people in my lives as well. for moulding me and making my life such an eventful one. =))

p.s(the ending pose when Luo Mama carried Xiaozhu, it's REAL!!-not with the use of technology, much less any external help.)
aww...~in the eyes of Luo Mama, xiaozhu will always remain xiaozhu. the power of a loving mother can be so great at times. =)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

as i was saying(in my previous entry), that my family and relatives said that meimei and I look very much alike. O.o

so i went to dig out my baby photo album and here's what i've got!! XD

my scanner died on me so i had to use my digicam to take pictures of my pictures. =.=

meimei @ 2 and a half.................. me @ 3years-old

5months old. super chubby can??!!

whatcha' lookin' at??

i always knew i had a flair for moneh~

don't try to mess with me...
i told ya i love moneh~
by the way, is that bangs? i mean the fringe.
Haa~ i always knew i was ahead of trend. LOL.
i end of with the picture that i'm ever so proud of.
the only time when i actually feel that weight(chubbiness) is NOT an issue.

Monday, January 19, 2009

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! to my beloved ahma~
dinner at a chinese restaurant along clarke quay on saturday.

nobody is too young or too old to cam-whore.
just look at the one on the left(in the babychair).
(click on picture to enlarge)

my aunt, Amos(my aunt's youngest son)
they are returning back to Perth this coming thursday. =(

me and meimei!!!
meimei loves to take pictures!! =DD
everybody says she looks like me(when i was young). O.o
she got dimples when she smile!! i don't.

dad and mum.

so the day ends with cake-cutting at ahma's house. =))

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

to share or not to share. that is the question.

Monday, January 12, 2009

last night(past 12am, 12jan), i was chatting online with my juhua jiemeis. kudos to xiuxian for reminding me. shuning says i have a pigeon's memory. this is so ridonculous!! i almost forgot we actually had a clique by this name. LOL~

here i have a list of the cliques i was in... (correct me if i'm wrong and please inform me if i missed out any of the cliques)

2002, E8, abigail, xueli, keli, peien, jiaxian, shuning, clarin and me.

2004, 菊花姐妹, xiuxian, jiaqi, yanling, kianhwee(如花), chenen, shuning and me.

2006(january), AssHoleShit, meixin(P), clarin(VP), shuning(secretary) and me(SM).
(our official website:
p.s(it's not that we don't love AHS, we love it so much, we made a gang out of its abbreviation. we even had something like AntiHouseflySociety.)

2006, madajiasijia, meixin, clarin(ahtan), shuning, me and the newly-added member: jiaxian~!!

2007, 那一堆, sermin, sarah(lala), tracy(ahma), yanhong(yan), karen, clarin(ahtan), corine and me.

i missed those good old ahs days and the happy jc days (i had to bold "happy" because my happy days in jc were very shortlived).

shuning started emo-ing about becoming familiar strangers when i go over to Australia to study for 5 years. i told her it's an oxymoron!! XD

to all my other buddies: though we may not have a clique name, we will still be friends forever~~!!
yesterday, i went to attend the pre-departure briefing. good thing susanna was there to keep me company. the briefing wasn't really as boring as i thought it would be but it's always nice to have somebody that you know closeby. =))

many thanks to susanna who accompany me to the briefing and then to the dinner.
(i hope you see this.)

after dinner, we(including the currie hall people) went shopping. it was our maiden experience waiting for a guy buying clothes. O.o

really buay paiseh. haha

the whole shopping experience was just waiting and more waiting. at the end, we stood in the middle of nowhere and started chatting. maybe we weren't the ones talking, only brandon and jason. so everybody got super restless. daniel said my face turned black and i told him i was never very fair in the first place. haa. and i told him i noticed his bitter smile which he was trying very hard to hide. so eventually the talk ended when verna interrupted the conversation by saying her father was here to fetch her. (hallelujah~~!!)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

i have packed my luggage.
not all of what i need is packed inside, only most of it.
there are so many things that i want to bring with me. the more physical items that i can't bring, i can always get my parents to DHL over. what i'm hoping to bring are those that i can't bring over. most of which is what i would call, "Memories~". the smell of my pillow, the drool on my bolster(ok..i don't drool, even if i do, i'll change my sheets.), my friends, my jie-meis, my si dang, my madajiasijia(s) and this place that i call, "Home~", a place that holds much memories and my childhood, all of these which i would miss dearly.

meet up with me people(before i go off)!! it'll be a whole good year the next time you see me. =(


i'm starting to miss Singapore already.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

"If you're climbing the ladder of life, you go rung by rung, one step at a time. Don't look too far up, set your goals high but take one step at a time. Sometimes you don't think you're progressing until you step back and see how high you've really gone."
-Osmond Danny

i've booked and made payment for my air ticket. =DD
will be leaving Singapore for Australia on 10feb, 930am.

my aunt said that this was a blessing in disguise.
(this refers to not being able to enter the initial school of my choice)

at first, i don't see why. but now i understand.

i've climbed the ladder till this far. perhaps at that time i missed a rung when i should have gone rung by rung, one step at a time. missing that single rung made me fell, i kept falling until i grabbed the ladder and set off for my climb once again. looking back, i realise i've gone far but the ladder before me seems even further(taller). my goals are high and so i shall climb, rung by rung, one step at a time.


Monday, January 5, 2009

finished watching HOTSHOT.

the first few episodes were rather boring (with several pinches of lame-ness).
ShowLuo is still as cute and charming. (blows me away~~)

towards the end, it gets really exciting. good show but not as good as Show's previous drama serials(Corner with Love).

this is like the first time when other male leads capture my attention. JerryYan was equally breath-taking. and when both Show and Jerry fell for the same girl(TracyZhou), i actually wished for DongFangXiang(Jerry) to be with Jie-er(Tracy)!!!

perhaps one of the reasons why i had wished for that is because eventually i get to own YuanDaYing(Show)!!

---> practising my "wakakaka(s)" before i go to Australia. X)


New Year countdown with buds~


i graciously allowed everyone to come to my house for countdown. =)
the first moments of 2009!!
to shuning: we broke the curse of having to spend countdowns together!!! ahh~~!!
i K.O. on the sofa already.
of all things to pose with. they had to pose with the rattan chair. =.=

friends forever~

Sunday, January 4, 2009

annual Christmas E8 gathering.


shuning's 1st attempt on sewing.
well...i must say, "it's prettie good." (pretty and good)
ahtan insists that i pose with the present.
ahtan and her "exclusively-ahtan's-only" present.
had to give in to her, otherwise she'll niam me forever. haha.
busy at work. i'm clearing the innards of a sotong.
jiaxian and shuning were busy washing the vegetables in the toilet. >.<
this year...we upgraded.
no more smelly fingers from marinating chicken wings, no more smoke from the BBQ.
this year...we have STEAMBOAT!!!
and we had money to buy limpets. (woohoo~ next year...we'll have Australian abalone.)
group photo!!
(technically, it's not a group photo, considering that jiaxian's missing from the picture and keli's late. but we have many more years to come to take one so it's a happy ending.) =D

Friday, January 2, 2009

spent my christmas overseas this year.
had a taste of Vietnamese-styled christmas.
definitely comparable to Singapore. (lights and all)

hated the part when there's constant short circuits. imagine yourself in the midst of a shower and the lights went off and the water runs cold. =.=
otherwise, christmas in Vietnam was fun. =))


*enjoy the pictures*

off to Vietnam we go~
here we are in Ho Chi Minh City~
at the guesthouse. lovely place. cheap some more!!

life in Vietnam.

i told you traffic here was crazee...
at the war museum~

group photo before the whitehouse.
family photo before the church. Hallelujah~!!
took a similar photo while i was in Taiwan. loves flowers and bees.
at Meng Guai~ (it's not spelt like that in Vietnamese but pronounce like that, totally don't remember how it is spelt.)
it's totally a paradise on its own~

dinner at paradise~

we had like springrolls for every meal. (literally)
tasted especially good in Vietnam.

Mekong Delta.
me, Sumei (my cousin)
did i hear somebody asking me how the snake felt??
erm...picture yourself holding a super expensive Prada leather handbag.

100% hand-made.

the hole was damn tiny. the tunnel was damn dark.
good thing my cousin brought the camera along and we "flashed" our way through.

there is NO place we cannot cam-whore. haa~
booby trap~
crazier traffic in the night.
the green man sure doesn't do his job.
(here..i shall interpret what the Vietnam traffic lights stand for)
the green light represents, "ALL CHIONG~!!"
the amber light represents, "ALL CHIONG~!!"
the red light represents, "WHAT THE HECK??!! JUST CHIONG AR!!"
so we ended our last day with a very hectic shopping schedule at Ben Thanh Market.

there you have it!!
free and easy in Vietnam is actually no biggie~~
in fact, it's rather easy, other than the part that we can speak ZERO Vietnamese.
calling out to the peeps of ma da jia si jia!!! we can go free and easy to Vietnam next time!! =DD