Monday, January 5, 2009

finished watching HOTSHOT.

the first few episodes were rather boring (with several pinches of lame-ness).
ShowLuo is still as cute and charming. (blows me away~~)

towards the end, it gets really exciting. good show but not as good as Show's previous drama serials(Corner with Love).

this is like the first time when other male leads capture my attention. JerryYan was equally breath-taking. and when both Show and Jerry fell for the same girl(TracyZhou), i actually wished for DongFangXiang(Jerry) to be with Jie-er(Tracy)!!!

perhaps one of the reasons why i had wished for that is because eventually i get to own YuanDaYing(Show)!!

---> practising my "wakakaka(s)" before i go to Australia. X)


New Year countdown with buds~


i graciously allowed everyone to come to my house for countdown. =)
the first moments of 2009!!
to shuning: we broke the curse of having to spend countdowns together!!! ahh~~!!
i K.O. on the sofa already.
of all things to pose with. they had to pose with the rattan chair. =.=

friends forever~

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